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90 year old arrested for FEEDING the HOMELESS :(

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That's very nice. Meanwhile on the flip side, we have incredibly rich people, born into wealth, that are intent on buying properties, increasing the rent to "market value", and forcing people out of their one affordable housing.


---------- Post added 09-11-2014 at 10:01 ----------



Really? Not at all?


---------- Post added 09-11-2014 at 10:05 ----------



That's incredibly selfish and lazy Harleyman. It's also irresponsible. It's only an hour or so out of your week. Doesn't your local council (or American equivalent) provide recycling bins?


---------- Post added 09-11-2014 at 10:09 ----------



Position of relative ignorance? Just because we'd get arrested over here too, doesn't mean we are being ignorant.


We have recycling bins for grass cuttings and other yard waste. The trash collectors come around and take them with the regular trash.


If you want to recycle empty bottles you have to go to a privately run bottle recycling center and line up to take your turn. Three big 30 gallon plastic bags will get you around nine dollars. Waste of time and what's the use of recycling if the supermarkets all use plastic bags which are not bio-gradeable but charge ten cents for a paper bag. They should lead by example instead


I have in years gone by voluntarily helped out at a rough weather shelter in a town about 20 miles from mine.


We also every Christmas donate money to that shelter and also buy some new toys for the " toys for kids program" organized by the Marine Reserve


I am not unsympathetic to the homeless. There are plenty of old, broken down Nam vets out there who were less lucky than I was. I just don't like the filthy habits some indulge in and I wouldn't want them anywhere around my neighborhood

Edited by esme
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We have recycling bins for grass cuttings and other yard waste. The trash collectors come around and take them with the regular trash.


If you want to recycle empty bottles you have to go to a privately run bottle recycling center and line up to take your turn. Three big 30 gallon plastic bags will get you around nine dollars. Waste of time and what's the use of recycling if the supermarkets all use plastic bags which are not bio-gradeable but charge ten cents for a paper bag. They should lead by example instead


I have in years gone by voluntarily helped out at a rough weather shelter in a town about 20 miles from mine.


We also every Christmas donate money to that shelter and also buy some new toys for the " toys for kids program" organized by the Marine Reserve


I am not unsympathetic to the homeless. There are plenty of old, broken down Nam vets out there who were less lucky than I was. I just don't like the filthy habits some indulge in and I wouldn't want them anywhere around my neighborhood


What's the point? Why do you think it's only worth recycling if you are going to get paid for it? That's kind of missing the point, don't you think?

Supermarket plastic bags can be recycled too. On one hand you seem to think big businesses can do what they want, on the other they should be leading by example? Won't that eat into their precious profits??

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such people should be protected by law . let's join hands to protect them


It's a strange nasty world we live in.


There are no laws which help prevent homelessness and really help to protect them, but yet we have laws which stop people feeding them which some people like cgksheff and Harleyman approve of.

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It's a strange nasty world we live in.


There are no laws which help prevent homelessness and really help to protect them, but yet we have laws which stop people feeding them which some people like cgksheff and Harleyman approve of.


Strange isn't it? I can't get my head round it actually. But don't forget that us more liberal people are nothing but brainwashed lefty loon!

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Wrong. I don't have the time or the patience. Too busy biking or playing golf.

I do refuse plastic shopping bags at the supermarkets though and insist on paper ones instead. Doing my bit for the environment as it were.


PM me with your address and I'll sea mail you a sack of Bud bottles to help you out

Just so you know, paper bags are no more environmentally friendly than plastic ones.



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