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90 year old arrested for FEEDING the HOMELESS :(

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I think you need to open your mind a bit. I know it's hard when you're set in your ways. It's got nothing to do with being weak or communities cot coming together. In fact, I would bet you diamonds that the community spirit in the run down areas is 100 times stronger than it is in wealthy areas. People look out for each other, because no one else does. They get treat like outcasts.


I don't really need to go into the causes of social deprivation etc. do I? You know what I'm getting at?


In what way? No one puts a fence around them. Go to any very large shopping mall and you'll find everyone from mini billionaires to 8 do0llar an hour dishwashers. There's no distinction in dress either. Not where I live. Some of the wealthy dress like beach combers

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I think you need to open your mind a bit. I know it's hard when you're set in your ways. It's got nothing to do with being weak or communities cot coming together. In fact, I would bet you diamonds that the community spirit in the run down areas is 100 times stronger than it is in wealthy areas. People look out for each other, because no one else does. They get treat like outcasts.


I don't really need to go into the causes of social deprivation etc. do I? You know what I'm getting at?


I would bet you wage slips that community based crime in the "run down" areas is 1000 times worse than it is in the wealthy areas. People look out for the weak and vulnerable because they can abuse and use them. They get treat like slaves by ganster wanna be's, drug pushers, perverts.


I don't really need to go into the causes of social deprivation etc do I? You know what i'm getting!




Most homeless I know have made themselves homeless in one way or another (yes there are exceptions, but en mass). I know when I was homeless it was actually "all" my own doing. Don't you find it odd how you can pass the same Big Issue seller for 10 years running? Or many of those you see coming out of Sally Annes everyday you'll see later out their faces on booze or drugs? I could point out every character from the series Shameless on my estate and take a wild guess at others on every other estate in the country!

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I would bet you wage slips that community based crime in the "run down" areas is 1000 times worse than it is in the wealthy areas. People look out for the weak and vulnerable because they can abuse and use them. They get treat like slaves by ganster wanna be's, drug pushers, perverts.


I don't really need to go into the causes of social deprivation etc do I? You know what i'm getting!




Most homeless I know have made themselves homeless in one way or another (yes there are exceptions, but en mass). I know when I was homeless it was actually "all" my own doing. Don't you find it odd how you can pass the same Big Issue seller for 10 years running? Or many of those you see coming out of Sally Annes everyday you'll see later out their faces on booze or drugs? I could point out every character from the series Shameless on my estate and take a wild guess at others on every other estate in the country!


I have a totally different view on addiction. I don't think anyone wakes up one day and decides that they will destroy their life or choose to be homeless, vulnerable etc.

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