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Concentration on uniform policy

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I was reading about the Bradford school that sent home 200 pupils because they didnt meet the uniform policy, and came accross an American study saying that uniforms had a negative effect on results.

Why do Academies concentrate on this, is there data that supports this concentration on uniform policy?

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I was reading about the Bradford school that sent home 200 pupils because they didnt meet the uniform policy, and came accross an American study saying that uniforms had a negative effect on results.

Why do Academies concentrate on this, is there data that supports this concentration on uniform policy?


I always remember working in factories where you had to wear overalls and mob caps. It supposedly de-individualises them and gets them to focus on the task at hand rather than more social distractions. (But also it was food hygiene regulations)


An easy way of banning various distractions such as decorative garb, suggestive clothing, latest trainers, etc...


On the latest trainers tact, it removes financial inequality identified through clothing.

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As far as I know, there is very little evidence that school uniform improves academic achievement.


There is a lot of evidence that schools where students adhere to rules and regulations are generally the successful ones.


Go check OFSTED and see which schools are rated as "outstanding" for behaviour. They are generally successful in other areas too.


Adhering to uniform rules forms an important part of the development of a successful learning culture.

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School uniforms are a sign of conservatives (as in, those that prefer the old ways) clinging on to a semblance of power.


I have worked in a Dutch school, no uniforms, and have family and friends working in UK schools. Guess what? The same issues occur despite uniforms.


It is an old-fashioned and dumb idea and the head teacher of this school frustrated the life out of me, saying that there was "anecdotal evidence". Swell, if someone with so little understanding of science can become head of a school than people ought to start thinking about why schools do bad in this country.

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School uniforms are a sign of conservatives (as in, those that prefer the old ways) clinging on to a semblance of power.


I have worked in a Dutch school, no uniforms, and have family and friends working in UK schools. Guess what? The same issues occur despite uniforms.


It is an old-fashioned and dumb idea and the head teacher of this school frustrated the life out of me, saying that there was "anecdotal evidence". Swell, if someone with so little understanding of science can become head of a school than people ought to start thinking about why schools do bad in this country.


You should read the geek manifesto by Mark Henderson. It's scary how little policy from either of the main two parties is evevidence as opposed to ideologically driven.

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School uniforms do not add to academic achievement.


School uniforms do not eliminate bullying.


School uniforms do not prepare pupils for later life.


School uniforms do not always look smart.


I agree, they also make some/most? kids unhappy and being unhappy adversely affects learning.

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You should read the geek manifesto by Mark Henderson. It's scary how little policy from either of the main two parties is evevidence as opposed to ideologically driven.


I'll look it up, sounds interesting : )


although I am the first to state: some things shouldn't be left to science because more often than not, science has it wrong!

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Its easy though, the parents should enrol their kids in schools which do not have a unifrom policy if they dont think its any good.


That's not easy though because there aren't many schools which do not have a uniform policy and the schools that do not might be oversubscribed or too far away.

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