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Any advice for somebody looking to live in Spain?

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Hi guys


Im a young guy in my early twenties and coming to a point in life where i don't feel happy with the system and my current quality of life in this country, slaving at the grind stone everyday and seeing my money never work for me. Not so long ago i went on holiday to Lanzarote and fell in love with the place and felt a lot more happier, now since my return iv found myself really low and constantly thinking about living out there and what kind of work and life i could secure out there as ultimately i want my own business out there, i really don't believe this is the place for me long term and I'm looking for any advice from people running along the same lines as me and can talk from some experience



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The problem is that you have been on holiday to a nice location, warm weather and a destress from work.

Spain has its own particular set of problems. Jobs are scarce and the economy is in the doldrums.

The grass is not always greener on the other side.


Yeah I'm aware, i have some skills i could utilise and transfer out there its just the language barrier i had people out there offering to get me some work in a chip shop out there which might not sound like much but he earned enough to sustain himself and had flexible hours, this is somebody who used to train police dogs in the uk, i think need to devise a plan and go out there for unto 6 month and network and learn the law of the land first hand there are some really successful people over there that came from uk, all of which i think wouldn't mind giving a hand to somebody who was in their position at some point

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I believe unemployment is quite high out there, and youth unemployment in particular, (about 40%+) so you might find it difficult to secure a job if you mean to do casual work, especially out of season.


I really do sympathise with your feelings, times are very tough right now, but it's the same all over Europe. The only thing they've got going for them is better weather and the holiday trade.


Do you have any contacts over there? Know any expats? Have any concrete plans?

You could be lucky, but otherwise it might be best to do a rethink.


Sorry I can't be more optimistic. The economy over here is supposed to be improving. Let's hope times will get better.

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Yeah I'm aware, i have some skills i could utilise and transfer out there its just the language barrier i had people out there offering to get me some work in a chip shop out there which might not sound like much but he earned enough to sustain himself and had flexible hours, this is somebody who used to train police dogs in the uk, i think need to devise a plan and go out there for unto 6 month and network and learn the law of the land first hand there are some really successful people over there that came from uk, all of which i think wouldn't mind giving a hand to somebody who was in their position at some point


Sounds feasible, Spanish is a fairly easy language. You seem to have worked out the pro's and con's. I'd say give it a go.If you don't you could spend the rest of your life regretting it. Good luck.

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As someone who moved abroad I can tell you that you are due stress, just by moving and trying to build up a new life.


You met someone there who can get you a job in a chippy, great. Do you know this person? You could end up working for peanuts and feel trapped because you pay them rent, are relying on them for interaction with the government and so on. That would be called slavery but you'd never think of it like that. Of course that is a worst case scenario, but still, it doesn't sound like you are thinking this through appropriately.


You don't speak the language, set yourself the target of being mostly fluent before you go out there permanently.


Spain isn't anything like the UK economically, it is far, far worse. The Canaries are a bit isolated from that due to the economy being almost entirely reliant on tourism, but that can change, look at Greece and the crisis.


My advice: you sound down, go talk to a friend, samaritans, somebody on a forum. Don't run from the grind here just for the sake of running, only difference with the grindstone there is that it is sunnier, worse paid and far less secure.

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I have owned a house in Spain for 12 years. Like you, I became very disalusioned with the system here and considered moving to Spain. When you scratch well below the surface, you,soon find out it's pretty much the same there, sometimes harder as they a very slow at getting things done compared to us. I guess it is just a slower pace of life. Unless you have plenty of money to support you when it gets tough, it can be very difficult to make ends meet.


By all means follow your dreams and ambitions. I would say try and rent somewhere for say six months and see how it goes first before making a solid decision.


As the saying goes, you'll regret the things you haven't done more than the things you have.

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