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No equality for this man

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Discrimination, pure and simple.


Well I doubt it's based on a business decision. I'm not sure the clientele who do with families have asked for this - it's so they don't have to employ more security guards. I remember a fishery banning Eastern Europeans because some were nicking his fish and was (rightly IMHO) hauled over coals for it. I can't see the difference.

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Discrimination, pure and simple.


It is, but I started the thread because it is anti-male, I dont mind people making sensible discissions based on facts; but they would be more likely to make their park safer with good CCTV. Record everyone that enters and take their ID.

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It is, but I started the thread because it is anti-male, I dont mind people making sensible discissions based on facts; but they would be more likely to make their park safer with good CCTV. Record everyone that enters and take their ID.

How is it anti-male?

Your own words were...

A man has been barred from entering a park because of a policy banning single men or women without children from visiting the attraction in case they are paedophiles.



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I dont mind people making sensible discissions based on facts; but they would be more likely to make their park safer with good CCTV
CCTV cannot ever stop crime from occurring, at best it can only ever just show (and/or record) it in such sufficient detail that the perpetrator(s) is/are fully identifiable. That is a "fact" of CCTV.


In that context, preventing a person from entering the park, if that person happened to be a paedophile, is safer than CCTV. That is another "fact".


Now, about whether it's right to discriminate singles or not...you can debate until the cows come home, but -

Discrimination, pure and simple.
It is not. No gender, religious, sexual or other type of illegal discrimination here, no ambulance ECHR case to chase, move along.


EDIT - snap milquetoast1 :)

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Some poor reporting going on again.

Similar policies exist at many other child-based attractions. Gulliver's Kingdom, for example.


I can't think of one single thing in Gulliver's Kingdom that a mentally-abled adult would want to make the trip for.


The fact that Mr Richards made a 25 mile trip to visit this park does suggest that there is interest at this park for an adult that is not just the children.


This customer was not banned. He fell foul of Puxton's failure to adequately publicise the prior notice required when a single adult wishes to visit the Falconry Displays.


He was banned.


Agree to the second part. But the very fact that it was not sufficiently well advertised also removes the argument that it provides reassurance for their target market.


Their are also many valid reasons for restricting unaccompanied adults into such theme parks, other than any spurious 'paedo risk', but the park manager would appear to either be a bit dim or have been misquoted.


I'm struggling to think of any other reason other than the marketing of the business as a family attraction. The entry terms for all these places will always say that they "reserve the right to refuse admission to any persons felt unsuitable" anyway.


They are allowed to overtly discriminate against single people, like they are allowed to discriminate against people wearing woolly hats, because neither group are protected demographics. It's just a shame that they feel the need to ban single people* because it does rather fuel suspicions about stranger danger.


I would rather that they publicise that entry is with children only, which whilst it is exactly the same thing is approaching it from a positive of whose allowed in, rather than a negative of who isn't. Semantics I know. Once the rules are published, the message has already been served, and I would also be prepared to ignore them when some bloke has turned up to watch the falconry display.



* I'm sure that if they were honest, they would really like to be able to let single women in without asking questions. But that would be illegal. :suspect:

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