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Ban Tech-Noir!!

sheff dave

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Hi, after recent tech-noir events that have taken place in Sheffield we have decided to set up a website and discussion board in the hope of getting tech-noir banned,


you can see the website here http://www.ban-tech-noir.com at the bottom of the page is a link to our discussion forum.


We hope you will support our ban tech noir campaign. For more information or any questions/suggestions you can email us at webmaster@ban-tech-noir.com




Dave (Ban Tech-Noir Site admin)

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Why do you want Tech-noir banned? It is a pretty lightweight night. I visted your site and concluded that it must be an advert trying to make the night sound risky, or am I wrong? Do you really think that the night is going to bring civilization to an end?

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Ummm, Dave?


Your line 'Dave (Site Admin)'line makes it look like you're an admin on THIS site, SheffieldForum.


You're not, so please remove it. :)


I have no idea who or what tech-noir is, but it is ALSO traditional on this site to ask the Admin team before posting a link to a discussion board.





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this is funny, ive never heard of the tech-noir night but i definately interested now! great advertisement Sheff Dave, cheers ;)


but whats seems to be the problem, 2 members of staff have been enjoying themselves at the weekend so you sack them, is that legal?


either way stop being a nob dave, trying to ban the night is crazy and you will more than likely be fighting a loosing battle.


adios tech heads

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Shine a Light!!!


So this is what Rayvon's been banging on about...


All he ever talks about at the minute, Tech-noir this, Tech-noir that...

It's like its taken over his life!!!!


I'm wi'dave on this one, lets Ban Tech-Noir once & for all !!

Last time I saw Ray after one of these nights he looked like this >>>:gag:


Well Done Dave for taking a stand, plus I might get a days work out of Ray once this ban takes hold!




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