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Ban Tech-Noir!!

sheff dave

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This is a wind up right? Even me, the most unhippest man on the block, can tell this comes fom the land of Daily Mail readers, Robert Kilroy Silk wannabes and the "Lord deliver us from the current state of the country" brigade.


Come on. It's a wind up really. Isn't it? :suspect:

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Most definitely fake.

Well done to mjlacey to have the curiousity to check out other sheff dave posts, however , you fail to mention that they are all pretty generic, simple sentence replies, and were all posted on the same day (24th March) at around the same time.

Top marks to Sheff Dave (are you sure thats even your real name?) for the attempt, but foiled i believe, maybe sheffield isn't quite as uneducated as some are lead to believe?


On a secondary note:

Don't ban Tech Noir,

Join it, Quality music, Quality atmosphere, and even some drinks offers, can't say fairer then that...


Try anything twice!

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We have recieved much support through email for this campaign and although the forum does not seem to have attracted much discussion, which was what we hoped for seeing as internet forums seem to be all the rage these days, I do think that the ban tech nour campaign is going to work, it is surely the only way we can rid sheffield of this filth, see exposed march edition page 47 for more of their filth, it is littered with swear words and the background image is of a prostitute in Amsterdam, I think this is disgraceful and anyone can pick up and read exposed as it is in newsagents, cafes, bars and even sandwich shops.


It is not the sort of language or imagery I would want my children to see and definitely not repeat and I think tech noir should be banned.


Thank you for your support so far



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  • 2 weeks later...
We have recieved much support through email for this campaign and although the forum does not seem to have attracted much discussion, which was what we hoped for seeing as internet forums seem to be all the rage these days, I do think that the ban tech nour campaign is going to work, it is surely the only way we can rid sheffield of this filth, see exposed march edition page 47 for more of their filth, it is littered with swear words and the background image is of a prostitute in Amsterdam, I think this is disgraceful and anyone can pick up and read exposed as it is in newsagents, cafes, bars and even sandwich shops.


It is not the sort of language or imagery I would want my children to see and definitely not repeat and I think tech noir should be banned.


Thank you for your support so far




Well Said Dave...


I've heard a rumour off RayVon that their @ Takapuna THIS Friday at a night called Stereo Zoo or something??!?! Reckon we should go down & voice our opinions in person...


What does anyone else think??




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