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Ed Millipede In Trouble

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After two failed attempts by New Labour to govern the U.K. successfully, Blair followed by Brown leaving the Labour Party in disarray. Leaving their legacies of unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with thousands if not hundreds and thousands of people, including British soldiers, killed and wounded, and the destruction of the economy, the Labour Party, or New Labour, or whatever they intend to call it next, elected a certain Ed. Millipede as its leader, and Ed Sphericals, as Chancellor.


Tut. tut. tut !!!. And now, on the brink of the next election, what do they go and do ?. Back stab Millipede to try and get rid of him and elect a new leader in time for he or she to make a dramatic impact upon disgruntled former Labour or New Labour or 'How to Win an Election or Not Lose by Much', supporters. Don't they know that Ed. is the best asset the Conservatives have got ?. That idiot will surely bring the Tories victory in the next election because no sane person could ever envisage Brother Ed as the man in charge of this once noble and green and pleasant land.


All he can argue is the direct opposite of what the Tories stand for, he has no policies of any value to offer, just snapping at the heels of the other parties.


But who else is there ? I hear you ask. Well, there's...er..um..no, not him, he's got too much history, but there is.......wrong again, she's as useful as a chocolate fireguard, Hmmmm....let me think, Yes, there's....no, he's dead,

so we might end up with someone we've never heard of before. They could dig up Clement Atlee, the best post war Prime Minister ever, or they could all just bugger off and join U.K.I.P.


My prediction for the election is that hard line Labour voters will stay away rather than vote for any other party, and that will give U.K.I.P. a boost, a temporary one though, they've only got one clarion call, 'Send 'em all back.'


Is this nation of ours about to prove that democracy doesn't work ?. Is the maxim of Lenin about to come true, 'Democracy is nothing more than a five second visit to a polling booth every few years' ?. How we vote at the next General Election will determine the future of the U.K. for the next generation and beyond.


I am not advocating 'Vote Tory', or 'Lib Dem' , what I am saying to the good folk of Sheffield, is to get involved in the debate, don't leave it up to the television and media pundits and advertising executives, spin doctors, pollsters, intellectuals, or anybody with a gob on e'm like me, to influence you. On Polling Day, take big deep breaths, I said 'breaths', I don't have a speech impediment, and vote according to your common sense, and whoever gets in, make them earn their pay.

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Isn't that what you're trying to do, "Add spin?"


You say don't accept spin but yet you're trying to put your own spin on it (I say it's your own but it looks suspiciously like a CaP job) thus you are negating yourself. You don't make sense

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