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Disabled Residents Told To Repay Hurricane Aid

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In a nutshell, these folks were LENT money (Russel Brand clearly says "lent" in the first 20 seconds of the video) from FEMA to pay for housing while their residence was being repaired.


Since they were housed in state funded temporary housing (aka free), the money they received (and never used) for housing needs to be repaid.


The government has strict rules on how some aid can be used. If they give you money for food, it must be used to buy food. Money for housing needs to be used for housing and only housing. No fair buying paper towels or shampoo. :rolleyes:


If they don't repay the money, it will probably be taken out of their social security or disability checks every month until the loan is satisfied. Since these folks are all elderly or disabled, they receive assistance.


These people won't be out a penny of their personal funds. Basically, the government is taking it's own money back from what it gives them every month. That's if they actually pursue it.


If it were up to me, I'd let it go. WTF?! How much money does the US government waste and give away every damn day? Time to help our own, leave these poor folks alone.


Also, Russell Brand needs to stick to making movies.

Edited by Sierra
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In a nutshell, these folks were LENT money (Russel Brand clearly says "lent" in the first 20 seconds of the video) from FEMA to pay for housing while their residence was being repaired.


Since they were housed in state funded temporary housing (aka free), the money they received (and never used) for housing needs to be repaid.


The government has strict rules on how some aid can be used. If they give you money for food, it must be used to buy food. Money for housing needs to be used for housing and only housing. No fair buying paper towels or shampoo. :rolleyes:


If they don't repay the money, it will probably be taken out of their social security or disability checks every month until the loan is satisfied. Since these folks are all elderly or disabled, they receive assistance.


These people won't be out a penny of their personal funds. Basically, the government is taking it's own money back from what it gives them every month. That's if they actually pursue it.


If it were up to me, I'd let it go. WTF?! How much money does the US government waste and give away every damn day? Time to help our own, leave these poor folks alone.


Also, Russell Brand needs to stick to making movies.




FEMA urged the residents to apply for the money. The residents asked if the money was a loan, FEMA said "no, it's a gift from Obama".


Regardless of whether they used the money for housing or not, why should they be forced to pay it back? Why does the government feel the need to crack down on these poor, disabled people when everyone knows full well that there's many other ways they could claw back this poxy five and a half million, or whatever it is?!?

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Disabled residents were given gift aid, now they're being told to pay it back? I'd like to see how some of the SF regulars will defend this one!


I might actually take an interest once I read it from a credible source instead of from Russell Brand's own website and a handful of biased internet blogs.


Not one mention on any of the US or UK media so far. Maybe when I read some facts I can make up my mind as to whether these people should actually have to pay up


This is all just another RB publicity stunt.... all to plug his new book. The man is well and truly getting on my tits now. Conspiracy theorist,attention seeker, faux champion of the people, general rent-a-gob. All mouth and no ideas to support any of his so called revolution.


Another Dawkins wannabie

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