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Disabled Residents Told To Repay Hurricane Aid

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I might actually take an interest once I read it from a credible source instead of from Russell Brand's own website and a handful of biased internet blogs.


Not one mention on any of the US or UK media so far. Maybe when I read some facts I can make up my mind as to whether these people should actually have to pay up


This is all just another RB publicity stunt.... all to plug his new book. The man is well and truly getting on my tits now. Conspiracy theorist,attention seeker, faux champion of the people, general rent-a-gob. All mouth and no ideas to support any of his so called revolution.


Another Dawkins wannabie


This story is all over the Internet. Every source has the following quote from one of the residents called Robert Rosenberg:


“Everyone asked, ‘Do we have to pay this back later on? Is it a loan?’ They said, ‘No. It’s a gift from [President] Obama,’*”


There's obviously been a case of "miss selling" the aid to the residents.


I can understand the disliking of Russell Brand as a person, but I'm loving the fact that he's getting on your tits :hihi:

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FEMA urged the residents to apply for the money. The residents asked if the money was a loan, FEMA said "no, it's a gift from Obama".


I'm totally on your side with this. I don't think any of these people should be made to repay a dime. It's not like they're rolling in dough.


OTOH, I also don't believe anyone told them it was a gift from Obama. And there's no proof anyone ever said that. They were probably told as long as they used housing money for housing, it was a "gift." Since their housing was being paid for by the state of New York, they used the funds for other things. Ergo, it's now a loan.


Maybe this wasn't made crystal clear, but I suspect most of these folks have trouble handling their day to day affairs, which is why many of them are in assisted living to begin with.


*A few years ago, one of my children broke his hand. Since it was after hours, we took him to the nearest emergency room. They fixed him up, we paid the portion our insurance didn't cover and went home.


TWO AND A HALF YEARS LATER, we get a bill from the hospital for a couple hundred dollars. When I called the hospital to find out what in the heck was going on, they informed me that our insurance company has up to three years to "review" claims and "revise" (squeal out of paying) any "discrepancies."


They take that money back from the hospital. The hospital then comes after us. Apparently, this is all perfectly legal. Since that time, this has happened to us a couple more times.*


I don't agree with what FEMA is doing, but I am not in the least surprised.

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I'm totally on your side with this. I don't think any of these people should be made to repay a dime. It's not like they're rolling in dough.


OTOH, I also don't believe anyone told them it was a gift from Obama. And there's no proof anyone ever said that. They were probably told as long as they used housing money for housing, it was a "gift." Since their housing was being paid for by the state of New York, they used the funds for other things. Ergo, it's now a loan.


Maybe this wasn't made crystal clear, but I suspect most of these folks have trouble handling their day to day affairs, which is why many of them are in assisted living to begin with.


*A few years ago, one of my children broke his hand. Since it was after hours, we took him to the nearest emergency room. They fixed him up, we paid the portion our insurance didn't cover and went home.


TWO AND A HALF YEARS LATER, we get a bill from the hospital for a couple hundred dollars. When I called the hospital to find out what in the heck was going on, they informed me that our insurance company has up to three years to "review" claims and "revise" (squeal out of paying) any "discrepancies."


They take that money back from the hospital. The hospital then comes after us. Apparently, this is all perfectly legal. Since that time, this has happened to us a couple more times.*


I don't agree with what FEMA is doing, but I am not in the least surprised.


You don't believe Mr Rosenberg? I don't see any reason for him to tell lies, it's not like he has the money and refuses to pay it back. It's not like he spent it on columbian marching powder and hookers. He spent it on clothes and food, both of which were in short supply after the disaster.

What I want to know, is why they were urged to take the money, which was supposed to be used for housing, even though they knew they were being relocated, surely there would be no need for the money in that case?

They've definitely been miss sold the money and I agree, they shouldn't have to pay it back.


---------- Post added 11-11-2014 at 00:50 ----------


TWO AND A HALF YEARS LATER, we get a bill from the hospital for a couple hundred dollars. When I called the hospital to find out what in the heck was going on, they informed me that our insurance company has up to three years to "review" claims and "revise" (squeal out of paying) any "discrepancies."


They take that money back from the hospital. The hospital then comes after us. Apparently, this is all perfectly legal. Since that time, this has happened to us a couple more times.*


I don't agree with what FEMA is doing, but I am not in the least surprised.


Two and a half years?! Talk about leaving it till the last minute! Not good practice.

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That's great thanks. Its good to read an article with some actual details in.


I certainly was never going to be drawn in by the "... It’s a gift from Obama" guff nor the video from Saint Russell Brand.


Its a tricky one to be honest. Certainly an almighty balls up has happened somewhere but on the flip side these residents did not use the money for what they were supposed to. If it was for housing it should have been spent on housing. This does not appear to have been made clear enough.


Personally, I think its too late to start clawing back now and they should just let sleeping dogs lie. Lesson to be learnt really, be more carefully about how monies like this are distributed and be far tougher on enforcing how it is spent.


All really seems a bit of a non story, the small number of residents affected are being given various options by the organisation concerned and appeals are being submitted through legal aid funded lawyers.


A balls up - yes.


A bit of a human interest article for the local media - yes.


A big scandal that should be unnecessarily magnified by the new Jesus of Youtube - certainly not.


As I say before, just another daily attempt at portraying being a revolutionist which is nothing more than a PR stunt for plugging his book.

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You don't believe Mr Rosenberg? I don't see any reason for him to tell lies, it's not like he has the money and refuses to pay it back. It's not like he spent it on columbian marching powder and hookers. He spent it on clothes and food, both of which were in short supply after the disaster.

What I want to know, is why they were urged to take the money, which was supposed to be used for housing, even though they knew they were being relocated, surely there would be no need for the money in that case?

They've definitely been miss sold the money and I agree, they shouldn't have to pay it back.


It's not that I think Mr. Rosenberg is lying per se, but either this wasn't explained properly or he's failing to grasp it. At this point, it doesn't matter which because he hasn't got the money to repay it.


FEMA needs to just eat the loss and be more careful next time. :help:

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This story is all over the Internet. Every source has the following quote from one of the residents called Robert Rosenberg:


“Everyone asked, ‘Do we have to pay this back later on? Is it a loan?’ They said, ‘No. It’s a gift from [President] Obama,’*”


There's obviously been a case of "miss selling" the aid to the residents.


I can understand the disliking of Russell Brand as a person, but I'm loving the fact that he's getting on your tits :hihi:


Well never mind eh. Obama is funding cell phones for the homeless. He also wants Congress to pass a law giving amnesty to them all. Pregnant women from China are coming here to have their kids. California is issuing drivers licenses to illegal aliens.


It's circus time folks so Russell Brand fits right in the scene :D

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I might actually take an interest once I read it from a credible source instead of from Russell Brand's own website and a handful of biased internet blogs.


Not one mention on any of the US or UK media so far. Maybe when I read some facts I can make up my mind as to whether these people should actually have to pay up


This is all just another RB publicity stunt.... all to plug his new book. The man is well and truly getting on my tits now. Conspiracy theorist,attention seeker, faux champion of the people, general rent-a-gob. All mouth and no ideas to support any of his so called revolution.


Another Dawkins wannabie


Come on don't hold back tell us what you really think of him. ;)

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As I say before, just another daily attempt at portraying being a revolutionist which is nothing more than a PR stunt for plugging his book.


Plugging a book that's he's bot making a penny from. A book that all proceeds are going towards social enterprises to help recovering addicts amongst others.


I love it how you right wing loons like to kick a bloke that's trying to help others. It really does show your true colours. Evil warts 'n' all!


That's the difference between people like you and people like me. You should watch the video I posted on this thread. I think it illustrates just how closed minded and selfish you counterfeit deviants are.

Edited by Bonzo77
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Plugging a book that's he's bot making a penny from. A book that all proceeds are going towards social enterprises to help recovering addicts amongst others.


I love it how you right wing loons like to kick a bloke that's trying to help others. It really does show your true colours. Evil warts 'n' all!


That's the difference between people like you and people like me. You should watch the video I posted on this thread. I think it illustrates just how closed minded and selfish you counterfeit deviants are.


The difference between people like me and you is that I actually research things, dont take things at face value and dont fall for media hype.


Yes good for him donating those profits to the rehab charities. Pitty there is not much focus on those people showing their journeys and success stories rather than just him all the time. The PR he will get out of this will be worth far more value than any monetary donations.


So he makes a good charity donation - good for him. But as one door closes and all that. Brand has still made a tidy £427k profit from one of his other "companies" so not too much of a dent in his bank balance. "profit" is a dirty word remember. Well, according to Messiah Brand anyway.


The absolute definition of a champagne socialist. You have heard that he turned up a a protest for a little photographer action before buggering off a Celebrity Party at a Theatre didn't you?


Or the fact that his film production company is financed over £1mil by Investment Bankers and uses tax incentive schemes from the government?


Its not me that takes advantage screams Brand (.......its the company.... which I just happen to be director of.....shhh)


I am not closed minded at all. I see him for what he is. If you cant then that's fine. I am not going to hijack this thread and will leave people to discuss the topic in hand but really, you should be the one to open your mind a bit.

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