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Ched Evans to train with SUFC


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My two penneth.


Currently, he stands as a convicted rapist but there is a possibility that he will be cleared on appeal or by the miscarriage of justice activity that is currently proceeding.


For all the 'experts' on here, a few facts.

1. His girlfriend does not believe he is a rapist and stands by him.

2. No, her loyalty is not financially orientated. She runs her own successful business and comes from a wealthy family so the usual pathetic clinging WAG scenario is a non-starter.

3. Yes, I accept that he was disloyal to her, but that is something for Ched and Tash to sort out. Given that they are still together, I believe that answers itself.


I hope that due course of legal process results in an overturn of his conviction.


Before the self-righteous jump on their pedestals , maybe a dose of inward looking may help. Not one of us has never erred from the straight and narrow so as the good book says, "let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone".


I, for one, would welcome him back irrespective of his goal scoring history.


Your facts 1, 2 & 3 are all between CE and his girlfriend, and are nothing to do with Sheffield United or wider football.


Conversely, the attitude of the club, fans, wider football interests etc are not affected or in any way bound by facts 1, 2 & 3.


As I understand it, he is just training with SU at this stage, nothing more. I reckon maybe SU are kicking the problem into the long grass. They'll see how well he gets his fitness back, and see if his appeal comes to anything before any decisions are made.

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157,000 signed that petition and it's still going. They can't bring a family club into disrepute like this.


There are other strikers to go for (not marlon king!).


It's 157,000 clicks of a mouse, it could well be the same person 157,000 times or somebody who knows absolutely nothing about the case, but clicks on it because rape is wrong.


I once signed one of their petitions and now I keep getting links to sign other petitions, although I personally don't bother unless I know what I'm signing, but I bet plenty of other people click on regardless of their in depth knowledge of the petition in question.





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Im embarrassed for Sheffield.


If this happens they have not only tarnished themselves, their fans & the city. They will have tarnished football as a whole.


Get a grip.




157,000 signed that petition and it's still going. They can't bring a family club into disrepute like this.


200,000 people could sign it, if Sheffield United wante to sign him, they will.


Nothing to do with Sheffield Wednesday, this is to do with employing a convicted sex offender for their own gain.


Sheffield United and every other football club in the world employ players who they think will help the club.


Goals over Morals


Like it or not, morals don't win you promotion...

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Employing the same logic then, why should people go along and support a convicted sex offender at Bramall Lane?


I never said they should,its a free country. Your supposed to be playing devils advocate but you seem to be pushing the all ex-cons shouldn't work angle. If that's the case get ready for a big jump in the unemployed ranks. If your interested in my opinion on Evans,I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole. He's a dirty rapist who stirred another mans porridge ugh !

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The clamour for him to come back disintegrated when United won a few in a row. Now a couple of goalless performances and he's back in the frame.


Goals before morals.


I'd be quite happy for him to sign elsewhere and take the pressure off United.


What I don't like is the fact that the media and others are trying to punish him a 2nd time, even though he's served his sentence, especially as I'm also dubious with regards to the safety of the initial conviction.





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I'd be quite happy for him to sign elsewhere and take the pressure off United.


What I don't like is the fact that the media and others are trying to punish him a 2nd time, even though he's served his sentence, especially as I'm also dubious with regards to the safety of the initial conviction.






Being restricted from certain professions after a rape conviction isn't a second punishment.

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