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Ched Evans to train with SUFC


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And Bert McGhee as barrier inspector,? it's awfully risky upon that high horse.


Peter Swan to deal with match day betting.


Nile Ranger and Gary Madine to deal with match day health and safety issues.


There are an awful lot of footballers with tainted pasts, some are repeat offenders like Ranger and Madine.


I was more disappointed with United signing King than I would be with Evans, because I don't see Evans as any sort of future threat, whereas King is a nasty piece of works.





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How have you arrived at that decision please?


It was a question....not a statement of fact


and what has Bert McGhee got to do with it?....has he been convicted of anything?


---------- Post added 11-11-2014 at 14:57 ----------


Peter Swan to deal with match day betting.


Nile Ranger and Gary Madine to deal with match day health and safety issues.


There are an awful lot of footballers with tainted pasts, some are repeat offenders like Ranger and Madine.


I was more disappointed with United signing King than I would be with Evans, because I don't see Evans as any sort of future threat, whereas King is a nasty piece of works.






So you compare "match day betting" with rape?

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It was a question....not a statement of fact


and what has Bert McGhee got to do with it?....has he been convicted of anything?


---------- Post added 11-11-2014 at 14:57 ----------



So you compare "match day betting" with rape?


It was you that dragged in unrelated convicts like DLT, GG and MC?

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So you compare "match day betting" with rape?


I consider them both to be criminal offences.


I consider Gary Glitter to be worse than any of them, but his name keeps getting dragged up in this thread.





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I think that the 150000 are saying that Evans should never play professional football again.You might as well say that any convicted person should never work again in whatever job or profession they were previously employed in.

The gravity of his offence was reflected in his sentence which he has served.I am sure that he is probably less likely to get involved in such an incident in the future than say Madine or Terry will continue with their loutish behaviour.Madine was welcomed back at Wednesday and would have been welcomedback by the fans if he was capable of banging in a few goals.

(I am a Wednesday supporter by the way)

Let United make their own balanced decision on behalf of the club and fans and if they decide to back Evans and he can cope with the inevitable barracking that will come his way ,good for them.

What a sensible post you are spot on in my view.Every person coming out of prison are free to take up ANY employment they wish (As long as it is not seen as putting anybody in danger due to the kind of offence he is supposed to have committed ).He his being treated no different than anybody else.Why oh why dont people wait until the new hearing as been concluded .There are a lot of people out there who are not involved with football but feel uneasy about this conviction.Lets see what happens before we make up our minds.I believe there will be a lot of apologies due which ever way it goes.If it goes Evans way good luck to him if not then he should be shown the door.I also feel that Utd may have some inside info or have some idea which way the hearing might go but will wait like we all should before making any commitment.

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Bert McGhee was a penny pinching ex chairman of S.W.F.C. who, despite being told twice by Sheffield Police and the F.A. that the Leppings Lane end crush barriers were unfit for the job they were there for, flatly refused to

sanction any money to make them safe, this was after fans were injured in two previous Semi Finals and going a long way to account for the deaths of Ninety Six innocents in 1989.

His actions in the weeks following are beyond a normal persons understanding, one of the first things he did was to ask the F.A. for financial help because Leppings had to be temporarily closed and finances to make safe the ground.


What was he convicted of by Thatchers Boot Boys? ... nothing, they were all too busy getting their heads together to blame someone else.


McCabe employs a convicted rapist.


What do I think? I think that they are millionaires who listen to no one, are arrogant and don't give two hoots what is considered fair by Joe Public.


Sheffield football is a laughing stock and the likes of Evans need their bo****ks ripping off.


That's my opinion kid ... Make of it what you will while you're up there on your high horse, one thing, don't ever tell me what my opinions are.

Edited by rossyrooney
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