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Ched Evans to train with SUFC


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Not sure how Rolf Harris and Gary Glitter got onto this thread and not Jimmy Saville FFS ...

This is a thread about Ched training with United if indeed he even is and no need to bring washing machine into it or the betting owls of the 60's or that bloke who broke into the post office.

Think its time to take a step back and see what United do and then vent your rage and disgust etc

Lee Hughes anyone ?

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Why shouldn't he ?Football is not a profession which is closed to sex offenders is it?


I answered that question here:


It should be. He's brought his profession into disrepute, he should be expelled from it.


Not all other professionals are censured by their professional bodies for being a potential threat to someone. Bringing your profession into disrepute is enough sometimes.


It'll be easy to bring about for footballers. Every footballer has to be registered, if you commit a serious crime, the FA then decide if you can continue to hold a registration or not.

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Lee Hughes anyone ?


I was at the ice hockey a couple of years ago when Lee Hughes was one of the guests of honour for the Nottingham Panthers and did the pre game puck drop.....I don't think anybody there had done their research. :loopy:


Whilst I think Evans should be allowed to play football again, I do think he should take as low a profile as possible, wherever he ends up.





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Bert McGhee was a penny pinching ex chairman of S.W.F.C. who, despite being told twice by Sheffield Police and the F.A. that the Leppings Lane end crush barriers were unfit for the job they were there for, flatly refused to

sanction any money to make them safe, this was after fans were injured in two previous Semi Finals and going a long way to account for the deaths of Ninety Six innocents in 1989.

His actions in the weeks following are beyond a normal persons understanding, one of the first things he did was to ask the F.A. for financial help because Leppings had to be temporarily closed and finances to make safe the ground.


What was he convicted of by Thatchers Boot Boys? ... nothing, they were all too busy getting their heads together to blame someone else.


McCabe employs a convicted rapist.


What do I think? I think that they are millionaires who listen to no one, are arrogant and don't give two hoots what is considered fair by Joe Public.


Sheffield football is a laughing stock and the likes of Evans need their bo****ks ripping off.


That's my opinion kid ... Make of it what you will while you're up there on your high horse, one thing, don't ever tell me what my opinions are.


Why am i considered to be on a "high horse"...because i have views on your club taking back a convicted rapist??


It was you who made the bizarre comparison to Bert McGhee as some sort of justification to your point...(probably because he has Wednesday connections)


and the "dont ever tell me what my opinions are"comment...grow up..it was question...read it again...

Edited by Sheridan1-0
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I answered that question here:




Not all other professionals are censured by their professional bodies for being a potential threat to someone. Bringing your profession into disrepute is enough sometimes.


It'll be easy to bring about for footballers. Every footballer has to be registered, if you commit a serious crime, the FA then decide if you can continue to hold a registration or not.


That's fine for future offences when your scheme is in place, but until then its left to the owners to weigh the benefits of employing such people.


I think United are giving him chance to get fit, and then if cleared he is ready to go.... And if not cleared, they may just tell him to move on.

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Don't forget the PFA have backed his return to professional football:


Convicted rapist Ched Evans should be allowed to play professional football again, according to Professional Footballers’ Association chief Gordon Taylor.


Taylor believes the 25-year-old should be accepted back into the game when he is released from prison despite his five-year sentence for rape in April 2012.


The PFA chief told the BBC: ‘I didn't know there was a law that said once you come out of prison you still can't do anything.


‘As a trade union we believe in the rule of law... besides that, he still wants to contribute to society.


‘If he earns money he'll pay taxes. Those taxes will go to help people who maybe can't get a job.’





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If there were a 'Like' button on this forum I would have found myself clicking 'Like' on almost every one of Dooms comments on here.

This from a Wednesday fan.

United are not my team so I have no vested interest whatsoever. Plus I am a woman who totally abhors the crime CE was convicted of.

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157 thousand signatures i wonder how many are sufc and football related please dont say all of them if we had 157 thousand fans that wanted to turn up every game we would not have any need for ched we could buy rooney instead

hes only training for god sake so now people are saying he should not be keeping fit now .if he does sign that will be the decision of the club and for his football.

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