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Ched Evans to train with SUFC


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I am sure they will miss you.


Your intellectual and moral bankruptcy may prevent you from appreciating that this could be financially disastrous for SUFC but the Board are a little more astute. Why do you think they are testing the water by allowing him to train before signing him? They want to gauge the response from fans, sponsors, patrons, tv companies etc so they can weigh up the potential cost and decide if it is worth gambling on Evans helping them get promoted. Shame they can't just put morals before profit.

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Your intellectual and moral bankruptcy may prevent you from appreciating that this could be financially disastrous for SUFC but the Board are a little more astute. Why do you think they are testing the water by allowing him to train before signing him? They want to gauge the response from fans, sponsors, patrons, tv companies etc so they can weigh up the potential cost and decide if it is worth gambling on Evans helping them get promoted. Shame they can't just put morals before profit.
Tbh if this ched "so called man"was a reserve player the blades woudnt care either way and hed be told to clear off ete.Pretty much tells its own story and the tradegy that football has become!!!:huh:
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People need to look at this as if the girl was their daughter. If you daughter got drunk and ended up going back to a hotel with a lad then you would probably consider that a mistake but not rape. If the lad's mate then turns up after she has zonked out and has sex with her then it is rape plain and simple. To say it isn't rape is like saying taking money out of an unconscious person's pocket isn't theft.


If it is a fining offence to criticise a ref because it brings the game into disrepute, then it is must be a banning offence when a player denies rape is rape. Until such time as Evan repents he should be banned from the game.


Two of my kids are season ticket holders and I can tell you they won't be going to any further games if they don't get rid.


This whole thing is highly controversial, I think any reasonable person would concede that. The video footage of the girl entering the hotel did not suggest that she was "incapably drunk" as reported in the press at the time. So, maybe she became incapably drunk afterwards? who knows? Put it this way, she was either drunk to the point of being unconscious to not be able to resist, because there was no evidence of her resisting, or she was conscious enough to consent.


The jury made their verdict, rape. And that has been upheld, so until such a time as that it is overturned, if ever, then that is what happened in law. No arguments about that.


The Courts also declare that Evans is now a free man and entitled to be rehabilitated in society. There should be no argument about that either?


Evans maintains he is innocent of the crime for which he has been convicted. He can barely show remorse if he genuinely believes it is something he did not do. In some ways, it would be easier for him to integrate back into society if he did show remorse for the crime, the fact he hasn't done that suggests that he's a either a heartless rapist, or a guy that was genuinely convicted of a crime he didn't commit.


It's a case that has provoked strong opinions, understandably. I am of the view that he should be entitled to rehabilitate back in society and that means being able to resume his career as a footballer, and I base that on the only information we have at this point, which is that he was guilty.


I appreciate not everyone will feel the same.

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Club statement:


Sheffield United Football Club acknowledges the public discussion on the potential return of its former player, Mr Ched Evans, to professional football following the completion of the custodial portion of his sentence for rape in the courts of England and Wales. While some have speculated about whether the Club will or should invite Mr Evans to return to SUFC as a registered footballer, the Club is not prepared at this time to decide that issue.



The Club also acknowledges receipt of a request from The Professional Footballers' Association ('The PFA') to the effect that the Club consider allowing Mr Evans, who is a PFA member, to train at the Club's facilities. According to the request, this training would be with a view to enabling Mr Evans to get back to a level of fitness, which might enable him to find employment in his chosen trade. This request has come to the Club, because it is the last club at which Mr Evans was registered before his conviction.



In response to The PFA's request, the SUFC Board of Directors has deliberated the matter internally, taking into consideration:


The views of Staff, the Football League, and The PFA;


The views of SUFC supporters and the general public as expressed in numerous letters and emails, social media comments, editorials, supporter websites, public petitions and media coverage; and


The public statements of:


The PFA, declaring that professional footballers should be treated as equals before the law, including in circumstances where they seek to be rehabilitated and to return to work in their chosen trade following periods of incarceration; and


Mr Evans, acknowledging the destructive nature of the acts, which led to his conviction, and seeking a chance to be rehabilitated by returning to work in his chosen trade after having completed the custodial portion of his sentence.



In the course of its deliberations, the Board also spoke with Mr Evans and his representatives.



After due consideration, the Board has decided to respond favourably to The PFA's request and to allow Mr Evans to train at the Club's facilities. This decision, which takes effect immediately, is informed by the following four considerations:


The Club condemns rape and violence of any kind against women in the strongest possible terms. More specifically, the Club considers rape, the crime for which Mr Evans was convicted, to be a heinous crime worthy of serious punishment as provided under law. The Club has been assured by Mr Evans that he shares these value judgements.


The Club does not question Mr Evans' conviction for rape. The Club is advised that:


The punishment imposed on Mr Evans in connection with his conviction was consistent with applicable law;


Mr Evans has completed the custodial portion of his sentence as provided under law, having demonstrated good behaviour while in custody; and


Mr Evans has been paroled on licence conditions, which do not restrict him from returning to service in professional football.


The Club recognises that the same justice system that tried, convicted and punished Mr Evans under law also provides for his rehabilitation under law.


The Club agrees with the recent statements of The PFA, to the effect that professional footballers should be treated as equals before the law, including in circumstances where they seek to return to work following periods of incarceration. The Club rejects the notion that society should seek to impose extrajudicial or post-term penalties on anyone. In a nation of laws, served by an elected parliament and duly constituted courts of law, there can be no place for 'mob justice'. The Club believes that the only penalties following from a conviction on any charge should be those set forth in law and deemed appropriate by a court of competent jurisdiction.


The Club understands that Mr Evans is pursuing legal recourse to clear his name before the Criminal Cases Review Commission and, if permitted, before the appellate courts. The Club recognises Mr Evans' right to appeal and to seek to clear his name as provided under law. The Club, however, takes no view on the merits of, and has no role in, any such appeal. The Club leaves all such matters exclusively to Mr Evans, his legal advisors and the justice system. The Club's decision to allow Mr Evans to train at the Club's facilities is based on the facts as they stand today and is in no way dependent on the perceived merits or outcome of the appeal.



Apart from this statement, the Club will not be making any further comments about this matter for the foreseeable future.


Read more at http://www.sufc.co.uk/news/article/20141111-statement-2078346.aspx#IDOdqtQCAEzImQ9V.99

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That, in your opinion, makes two deluded cretins then grownsy. I agree with Dooms comments. I have read everything I can on this case. The other stranger, who was cleared of the charge, was the one who informed CE that he was with the woman.


with respect potty, yes the bloke who got off was originally with the woman and had consentual intercourse, thats why he wasnt convicted.

the problem arises because Ched was invited and not by the woman and had sex with her, which wasnt consentual as such, not in the same way as the original bloke she met.

thats the problem.

you just cant go around inviting yourself, or yer mates inviting yer to "have a go on his bird" without it getting you in big doo doo now and again.

doom and cohorts seem to miss this point

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People need to look at this as if the girl was their daughter. If you daughter got drunk and ended up going back to a hotel with a lad then you would probably consider that a mistake but not rape. If the lad's mate then turns up after she has zonked out and has sex with her then it is rape plain and simple. To say it isn't rape is like saying taking money out of an unconscious person's pocket isn't theft.


If it is a fining offence to criticise a ref because it brings the game into disrepute, then it is must be a banning offence when a player denies rape is rape. Until such time as Evan repents he should be banned from the game.


Two of my kids are season ticket holders and I can tell you they won't be going to any further games if they don't get rid.


Well put, added to which he conned his way into the room, after he got a text "I've got a bird", his mate didn't even invite him in let alone the girl in question.

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Posts and those quoting them have been removed for abuse. You know the rules by now - we will not tolerate this.


Further- if anybody else feels that rape is only rape if violence is used I strongly suggest that they check their facts before stating such.



Ched Evans was convicted of rape. In the eyes of the law he is a rapist, and we are not about to allow his victim to be persecuted further with conjecture about what happened to her not being rape. A court has determined that it was indeed rape and that is the end of discussion.



No further warnings will be issued on this subject

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After alot of thought i have come to the conclusion that i don't agree with this- fishy small about the case maybe but at the end of the day he is still a convicted rapist.


I don't want him near my club and i don't want the club to undo YEARS of good work in the community in search of a few goals that he may or may not provide.


Agreed, i dont want him at my club, unless he can clear his name, even then his judgement and idiotic conduct should question his involvement back at the lane.

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Posts and those quoting them have been removed for abuse. You know the rules by now - we will not tolerate this.


Further- if anybody else feels that rape is only rape if violence is used I strongly suggest that they check their facts before stating such.



Ched Evans was convicted of rape. In the eyes of the law he is a rapist, and we are not about to allow his victim to be persecuted further with conjecture about what happened to her not being rape. A court has determined that it was indeed rape and that is the end of discussion.



No further warnings will be issued on this subject

Elequantly put Mort, people need to understand this!

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That's fine for future offences when your scheme is in place, but until then its left to the owners to weigh the benefits of employing such people.


I think United are giving him chance to get fit, and then if cleared he is ready to go.... And if not cleared, they may just tell him to move on.


Good post,just about sums it all up in a few lines,The same old things are being stated over and over and over again on here such as bringing gary glitter into it or footballers are a role model............sheff71's post says it all for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


---------- Post added 11-11-2014 at 18:59 ----------


Elequantly put Mort, people need to understand this!


Also they need to understand ched and sheffield united are breaking no laws and doing nothing illegal if/when he trains with us:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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