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Ebay ban the selling of memorial ceramic poppies: Right? Wrong?

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I stumbled across an article in the Telegraph talking about Nigel Farage being 'surprised' that Ebay has banned the sale of any of the ceramic poppies currently in the moat in London.


Regardless of Farage's politics, I was a little surprised too. I went to look on ebay to see what they might be selling for, and hence stumbled on the article.


I would actually like one of them, but missed the sale of them, so the next best thing (I thought) would be to acquire one from elsewhere. It seems that particular avenue has been closed, well and truly.



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It's a scummy thing to do, IMO. You're basically taking advantage of someone who cares enough about the appeal to pay over the odds for one of the moat poppies and then pocketing that money for yourself when it could be going to the Legion.


So anyone who has bought one can never sell it?.....Yes I agree if someone has bought 'say' 50 of them, with a specific aim of making a 'killing' that's clearly wrong.

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So anyone who has bought one can never sell it?.....Yes I agree if someone has bought 'say' 50 of them, with a specific aim of making a 'killing' that's clearly wrong.


I would say in a few years time, yes, but to sell them on now as an auction item would only be for profiteering for yourself and not for the reason the poppies are being sold off in the first place.


I would only agree to them being resold NOW, if they were for the face value of the item plus cost of postage and packaging.

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Aww Pete :(


We should have gotten one when they first went on sale in July, but really wasnt sure what to do with it after the fact...


Well I do go to evening pottery classes...So I might make one for myself....and donate £25 to the legion!.....:)

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If somebody has bought one (and contributed to the appeal as a result) then surely it is their property to do with as they wish? I can't stand the self-righteous types who think they can have a say in what people choose to do with their own stuff.


If they want to sell them, let them. They are not hurting anybody and it hardly amounts to a 'scummy' thing to do.

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