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Ebay ban the selling of memorial ceramic poppies: Right? Wrong?

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The problem as I see it, is that with close to 900,000 units vanishing into private hands very soon, enterprising types are likely to engage in the production of knock-offs (wouldn't be surprised one bit to learn that a Chinese factory is making some to order already) for profiteering purposes, with not a £0.01 going to the Legion for these.


With their ban, eBay is effectively pre-empting the problem by closing one (routine-) selling avenue for such people. Whether that's on purpose or not, I don't know, but that's the net effect.


These poppies will be like bricks from the Berlin Wall. I'm betting that if all the bricks that were sold as being bricks from the Berlin Wall were put together the wall would be long enough to circle the planet!

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We managed to buy one, and with 900,000 units sold I would be surprised if there was much opportunity for profiteering tbh.


I think it's a bit short-sighted by eBay to prevent somebody who might really really want one from using eBay to buy one from somebody who is a bit more ambivalent. I know somebody who lost his dad in the war who is looking to obtain one for his mum, he simply didn't realise they were for sale until it was too late.


They could quite easily prevent profiteering, or agree to donate the fees made on the sale to the Legion.

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IFor god's sake!.....Do you spend your entire day looking up links?.....It's one sodding poppy!!!


To be fair to the poster only a matter of minutes existed between you post and his reply to it, not an entire day; which does suggest some background knowledge on the subject.

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For god's sake!.....Do you spend your entire day looking up links?.....
No need to look up anything, I know all this like the back of my hand (the bit I have since deleted, I grabbed from the .gov source and copy-pasted because it was faster than typing it all ;))

It's one sodding <thing/instance>!!!
Funnily enough, it's frequently what I hear from new clients coming to see me after receiving a nasty cease-and-desist letter, and ends up costing them ££££s :hihi:


I'm just educating you a bit...but am manifestly doing myself a bit of a financial disservice here, so tell you what, message received Mr Mod, I'll keep it all away from SF from now on.

Edited by L00b
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No need to look up anything, I know all this like the back of my hand (the bit I have since deleted, I grabbed from the .gov source and copy-pasted because it was faster than typing it all ;))

Funnily enough, it's frequently what I hear from new clients coming to see me after receiving a nasty cease-and-desist letter, and ends up costing them ££££s :hihi:


I'm just educating you a bit...but am manifestly doing myself a bit of a financial disservice here, so tell you what, message received Mr Mod, I'll keep it all away from SF from now on.


I do apologise if I was a bit 'short'....But I'm not Mr 'Big' and have designs on making thousands of the flippin' things...I'm someone who wants one...too late to get one from the official source, Ebay won't be selling them...So next best thing...make my own....and if you'd seen any of my pottery you'd know it probably won't be anything like the 'official' design....I just enjoy doing it!...:)

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I really wanted one too but was too late in applying :(


I wouldn't buy one from ebay because I wouldn't trust the authenticity of it. How do those people who have got one, who are now advertising them for sale, know how they will arrive? They will be in a presentation box apparently, but I would hope they will have some sort of certificate with each one.


They originally sold for £25 each, but only the profit from them goes to the charity. Still a decent amount of money.

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a wanted add from another selling and buying web sight



I will pay up to £100 for an original ceramic poppy from the tower of london. Must be with certificate and original packaging to prove authenticity. If you will accept less I will donate the remainder of the £100 to the royal British Legion where the profits are supposed to be going. I really just want it for the art and its significance! ! I'm disabled and was too ill when the original bidding was taking place so I missed out x

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I've just had a nosey on ebay and there is an Official Poppyshop ebay shop run by the Royal British Legion.


I know it wouldn't be the same as having one of the ceramic poppies, but there might be something else you'd like, and you'd be contributing to the charity too.

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