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How is Sepp Blatter still head of FIFA?


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No, you wont' be able to round up enough people that actually care enough to be able to do that stuff.


It's not like it's anything new, they've been stupidly corrupt for ages and no-one really cares - so I can't see people suddenly getting up in arms now.


Even with the obvious farce of the host nation selection no-one does anything more than tut and make the odd comment.


If someone started a petition, I'd sign and circulate it, and I'm sure hundreds of thousands would. Shedloads of people love the beautiful game in this country alone and don't take kindly to it being spoiled by such people.

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An online petition isn't worth the paper is isn't printed on to be honest.


You're talking about large groups of people demonstrating at major football events, which quite honestly isn't going to happen.


It didn't happen in Brazil, the police quashed it - and they had a genuine grievance to air, not just being un-happy about corruption.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Blatter is still in charge, because he's a very astute politician. He secured a power-base in Africa and Asia by giving them more access to world football. I'd bet that it's only in Europe and North America that he's disparaged.


I think that the only way change can be forced is if UEFA as a whole made a stand against him.


At the presentation ceremony for the Asian Cup, won by Australia on Jan. 31st this year, the dignitaries were being introduced, their names read out over the loud speaker. Sepp Blatter was amongst them and his name was followed by loud booing from the 80,000 crowd. The commentator was notably silent! Having said that, it was probably the Australian contingent of largely European origin who did the booing.

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At the presentation ceremony for the Asian Cup, won by Australia on Jan. 31st this year, the dignitaries were being introduced, their names read out over the loud speaker. Sepp Blatter was amongst them and his name was followed by loud booing from the 80,000 crowd. The commentator was notably silent! Having said that, it was probably the Australian contingent of largely European origin who did the booing.


The people I was talking about was the people in power in FIFA, unfortunately the average fan seems ti be powerless when it comes to the administration of our game.


Anyway I heard that Robert Mugabe has thrown his hat into the ring!

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