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How long until Cannabis is legal in the UK?

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12, 13 on a leap year.


---------- Post added 18-11-2014 at 02:25 ----------


probably many less than currently so, who knows? but if your the kind of parent that gets so wasted that you can't look after your kids then the legal stance is going to be of little concern.


Better questions;

How many will be bundled into the justice system because of antiquated and fruitless laws?

How many kids will try badly cut heroin and die because theres no regulations?

How many jobs are in the realm of criminality?

How much beneficial taxes will be forgone?

How many will die because the drugs trade is a free for all?


all due to it's illegal position.

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come on, you know it would be more than self funding, the cost to the government is administration, regulation and dealing with the unlicensed sellers. (and production?)


I trust the guys who say I actually get a litre of petrol, who regulate that my beer is actually 3.9%, that ensure the meat content of my burger is <51% horse.

The procedures for quality control are pretty robust and established so there is no reason to doubt they could standardise and regulate drug quality.


Heroin is a very safe drug, cannabis is a very safe drug, ecstasy is a very safe drug when they are being produced AND used properly.

If the government were to actually take control of these then the damage caused by use would tumble to insignificance.

As it is, you've got people coating cannabis with sand, cutting heroin with fentanyl so on and so on. I don't really trust a lot of dealers to not increase their profits at my expense.


Who are the users going to complain to? It's a bit stupid to deny the users exist or that drugs are going away. So why not take control of the 'problem' and at least then there will be predictable results from and for the users.


not to mention the violence that goes hand in hand within the trade!


The financial costs of policing cannabis amount to at least £50 million a year (including sentencing costs), and absorb the equivalent of 500 full-time police officers. -http://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/United_Kingdom#Economics


the US spends some stupidly large amount, 40 billion+ or something..

you could treat a fair few junkies with that I reckon.


Why would the government have to take on yet another nanny type responsibility to somehow be involved with wastrels, fools and weak minded people who need some kind of drug to escape from reality.


It would be okay if all the messed up junkies were to be sent off to camps somewhere, dried out then put to work in quarries helping break rock for new highways instead of ending up in hospitals, taking up valuable time and space which is more deserving by people who get ill through no fault of their own and don't abuse their minds and bodies with crap. I liked the old soviet system of shipping off such useless members of society to labour camps. They called it re-education


---------- Post added 18-11-2014 at 06:56 ----------


How much money would the US save if it legalised drugs and stopped spending on the drug war?


I think it would be enough to keep taxes as they are and spend billions on rehabilitation, saving lots of money in the long run.


I would see legalizing all drugs as being yet another step in the decline of our society or for that matter western society which has been in steady decline already for a few decades. Then there's the scenario of a new generation suffering from birth defects or born addicts. Only stupid people could advocate legalizing all drugs. I've known even pot smokers to end up as next to useless wenkers




All civilizations end in degeneracy and self indulgence. History has already shown that

Edited by Harleyman
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I liked the old soviet system of shipping off such useless members of society to labour camps. They called it re-education


All civilizations end in degeneracy and self indulgence. History has already shown that


The Soviet system went the same way though. And it never ended drug abuse.

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Why are illegal drugs attractive to some people when alcohol is legally available ?


Because they've made a choice to use something different. Why shouldn't they be free to make that choice?


---------- Post added 18-11-2014 at 09:42 ----------


And prepared to pay a lot in taxes to care for the junkies once years of abuse finally catch up with them.... right ?


You understand that the war on drugs in the UK alone costs billions? If it were legal, and taxed, then it would be at worst, a zero sum game, where the tax covers the possible medical costs (not that there are likely to be any for cannabis).

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Because they've made a choice to use something different. Why shouldn't they be free to make that choice?


Because one drug is legal and the other isn't and has obvious consequences if caught.

Is it the illegality of the drug that makes them attractive to some people ?

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Because one drug is legal and the other isn't and has obvious consequences if caught.

Is it the illegality of the drug that makes them attractive to some people ?


Possibly it does to some people, but the fact remains that they're completely different experiences... Why wouldn't someone prefer one over the other?

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Possibly it does to some people, but the fact remains that they're completely different experiences... Why wouldn't someone prefer one over the other?


That is what I am pondering.

Is it worth the consequences of being prosecuted for drug related offences rather than using a legal drug(alcohol) ?

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Presumably yes, because if my experiences with illegal drug users are anything to go by you'd have to either be a complete moron or a member of a lower social class to get arrested for it in the first place. Members of the middle class who use (but don't deal) illegal drugs are astronomically unlikely to ever even be stopped by a police officer, never mind be searched for drugs.


As for the members of lower social classes, they're often made to feel like criminals anyway, and sometimes want to fulfil that expectation out of spite. And I can't really say I blame them.

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