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How long until Cannabis is legal in the UK?

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Unadulterated with cheap nastyness that might kill or harm you more than the drug itself. Less voilence in their distrubtion as dealers fight for their turf. The list goes on and on and on....




Nonsense, legislation/regulation of alcohol was introduced because unregulated alcohol was causing a blinding/death epidemic.


The deaths from alcohol use are far lower than would be the case if it weren't legal (and regulated)




That's stupidity, not alcohol in of itself. Some people will always be idiots.




It's not adding another, anyone who wants to take drugs already does.


So regulated alcohol as opposed to unregulated moonshine is "safer"? :loopy:

Maybe "regulating" the contents will prevent the user from going blind but apart from that alcohol still presents a danger to the user as well as to the innocent victims of that user. If that's not the case why is the law so strict on DUI. In California an alcohol level over .008 can get a driver arrested


Legalizing drugs and regulating the contents is no case at all. People will still abuse them, overdose etc.


If drugs were sold legally in outlets like any other commodity what's to stop naïve young people from trying them out? People who would ordinarily not bother with them because at present they're not stuck under their noses.


Many such people would be too ready to believe that because the government passed a law to make them legal then therefore they must be okay to use. After all, the government knows everything don't it? :hihi:

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So regulated alcohol as opposed to unregulated moonshine is "safer"? :loopy:

Yes obviously.

Maybe "regulating" the contents will prevent the user from going blind but apart from that alcohol still presents a danger to the user as well as to the innocent victims of that user.

so does tap water, whats your point? If that's not the case why is the law so strict on DUI. In California an alcohol level over .008 can get a driver arrested


Legalizing drugs and regulating the contents is no case at all. People will still abuse them, overdose etc.

so you do want people to die because they take illegal drugs, like I said, your a nice guy.


If drugs were sold legally in outlets like any other commodity what's to stop naïve young people from trying them out? People who would ordinarily not bother with them because at present they're not stuck under their noses.

nothing, exactly as it is now. If your curious you don't have to try hard to find drugs. If you want good clean safe drugs that's a different -harder- task altogether.


Many such people would be too ready to believe that because the government passed a law to make them legal then therefore they must be okay to use.

After all, the government knows everything don't it? :hihi:


Your last line's a bit ambiguous I can't decide weather your pro or anti drug?


I don't understand how someone like yourself (ie clearly smart, educated, sane, and apparently not a raving fundamentalist) maintains a stance that you have chosen.

seriously, I don't get it. I can see how years of 'druggs are bad mmmk' style of propaganda would ingrain itself, but that goes against you being smart. which you are.

I can see that if you've had a personal tragedy in your family directly due to drugs it would sway your opinion. but again the pros of legalisation vs the status quo just don't equate to a rational argument for keeping the status quo as is.

It seems as if you've taken a very literal 'it's the law, so that's my opinion'

if that's the case are all laws ok?

correct me if I'm wrong.

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