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How long until Cannabis is legal in the UK?

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What crime would there be less of if cannabis wasn't around?


There are about 10 States in the US which have now legalized cannabis. There may be more States which go the same way in the future including California and there will be other States which will never ever legalize it.


The Federal government will never legalize it either... not a chance. You're going to get the situation where a resident of a pot State such as Colorado driving across a none pot State, pulled over by that State's police and during the course of that stop they discover a stash of cannabis.


"But they're legal in Colorado where I'm from" the driver says


"We dont give a monkeys about Colorado. They're not legal in this State" would be the reply so he's hauled off and charged with a felony, ie possession of an illegal substance, transporting it across State lines


What I see is that people driving across the US had better be aware of the individual laws in each State concerning cannabis.


In the UK of course it's far less complicated since there's no Federal system of government but I don't see it being legalized in the UK either

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because I -and many, many others presumably- have simply stopped smoking it by deciding not to.

It is very easy and pain free to stop smoking cannabis.


The hardest part is to find something else to fill the gap, and contentment isn't always easy to source.

On the other hand it took a good few years to stop smoking nicotine and I still havent completely removed nicotine from my life as of yet.

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There are about 10 States in the US which have now legalized cannabis. There may be more States which go the same way in the future including California and there will be other States which will never ever legalize it.


The Federal government will never legalize it either... not a chance. You're going to get the situation where a resident of a pot State such as Colorado driving across a none pot State, pulled over by that State's police and during the course of that stop they discover a stash of cannabis.


"But they're legal in Colorado where I'm from" the driver says


"We dont give a monkeys about Colorado. They're not legal in this State" would be the reply so he's hauled off and charged with a felony, ie possession of an illegal substance, transporting it across State lines


What I see is that people driving across the US had better be aware of the individual laws in each State concerning cannabis.


In the UK of course it's far less complicated since there's no Federal system of government but I don't see it being legalized in the UK either


This doesn't really answer the question though, does it?

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Alcohol should be sold from off licenses and not supermarkets.

Opening times reintroduced.

Underage drinking and drunken behaviour policed as rigorously as in the past.

Tobacco products prohibited by law.


Also,stocks and public flogging should be reintroduced and don't forget executions in the town centres.Ah the good old days.

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