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How long until Cannabis is legal in the UK?

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Ill informed?


please explain how you jump to that conclusion?


I know enough to know with drugs theres only one way,and thats down! You dont need an expert or google to know that!


Just plain wrong. The vast majority of drug users do not follow the pattern you describe.

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I fully understand the point you are making and in many cases would agree with you but in the case of tobacco there are no beneficial effects only proven terrible diseases caused by them.

Ref non users advocating changes in drug legislation on the forum. These number very few as I am sure are members of society as a whole.

There will always be users who want change and will argue strongly for it to justify their own behaviour but what has to be considered is the common good and not the wishes of a few.

There are probably some responsible users but the law is there to protect the vulnerable.


You've not read the poll thread that was done on here then? I can't remember whether it was just about cannabis or drugs as a whole, but there was a clear majority in favour of legalisation/decriminalisation.


Same goes for many other polls that you search for online. Either everyone's on drugs or there's one or two none users in favour?!


---------- Post added 26-11-2014 at 19:25 ----------


your an expert?


ha ha


28,000 posts on here doesnt make you one ,it makes you a waster.


Bit below the belt?! There's an apostrophe in doesn't, by the way ;)

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Ill informed?


please explain how you jump to that conclusion?


I know enough to know with drugs theres only one way,and thats down! You dont need an expert or google to know that!




I was a cannabis user well into my business-running years. Still running a business, just don't smoke weed any more.

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Ill informed?


please explain how you jump to that conclusion?


No jumping involved, just a series of small ineluctable steps.


---------- Post added 26-11-2014 at 22:56 ----------


I can tell :)


"These effects include altered perceptions and mood, impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and disrupted learning and memory."




But hey thats wrong right? :rolleyes:


Cannabis can improve coordination, particularly fine motor control, it can aid problem solving and thinking, but there's no question about its temporary effects on short term memory. This ^ is an incomplete list, at best, that restricts itself to only moderately negative effects.


By the same token, the effects of alcohol, a legal, taxed drug on sale in supermarkets and convenience stores, 24 hours a day, include altered perceptions and mood, impaired coordination, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, disrupted learning and memory, impaired judgement, slurred speech, vomiting, liver damage, cancer, ulcers, gastritis, high blood pressure, obesity, nerve damage, erectile dysfunction, depressed respiration and death.

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I can tell :)


"These effects include altered perceptions and mood, impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and disrupted learning and memory."




But hey thats wrong right? :rolleyes:


You can tell?? Try telling that to my accountant :)

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After reading the posts I do not think the law will be changed as it would just endorse people using another drug which could have harmful effects.

The sensible way forward may be for users to desist and avoid the fear of arrest and prosecution.

Edited by harvey19
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