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How long until Cannabis is legal in the UK?

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Weird, because several studies show it made no or only a positive difference in Portugal. This article refers to one.


In fact, in countries where cannabis use is not criminalised and has not been for a significant time (Portugal and the Netherlands) cannabis users per capita are lower than they are here, 3.3 & 5.4 versus 6.6 respectively.


In countries where appropriate therapy and care is offered to hard drug users the ratio of HIV transmission amongst that population is significantly lower than it is elsewhere.


There are massive benefits to decriminalising drugs, but people like you prefer to live under a rock and ignore the proof, instead talking of "collapse of society".


Benefits besides the factors mentioned:


controlled product, the state garners influence on what is sold. The state can actually target specific areas for control - driving under influence being one prime example. The benefit of it being controlled means that the state can levy taxes on it.


The ample benefits are massively outweighing the dim view held by antagonists. Time to legalise.


You mention (cherrypick) one paper that uses its own cherrypicked data to argue a case of science. Wow, as a PhD chemistry student (specializing in drug analysis) I can safely say your 'research' is bogus.


"The state can actually target specific areas for control - driving under influence being one prime example." which they can't do now? and how would legalsing it help? What, they're going to check up on every said and hit the areas that sell it most? As much as you state there are 'massive benefits' there are massive downfalls.


As you only chose the one study that 'seems' to say that it is 'okay to smoke cannabis' (of which im sure no bias occurs), I'm assuming you didn't read the thousands that offer insight to the negative effects, no?

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There are numerous studies that show the benefits, none as far as I'm aware that show a net negative affect. But feel free to provide links to such studies if they do exist.


To name a few, as Im not sitting here relisting Science Direct and Sci Finder to you (As google scholar is bias and not useful):


Subjective effects of cannabis before the first psychotic episode http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pelle_De_Koning/publications


A positive association between anxiety disorders and cannabis use or cannabis use disorders in the general population- a meta-analysis of 31 studies http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-244X/14/136


Residual effects of cannabis use on neurocognitive performance after prolonged abstinence



Cannabis-related deficits in real-world memory



Legalizing Cannabis: A physician's primer on the pulmonary effects of marijuana."



Continued cannabis use and risk of incidence and persistence of psychotic symptoms: 10 year follow-up cohort study.



And obviously there are many more. By the way "If they do exist"? - you get what you search for. Pretty much sums up how you go about researching things, from one point of view....

Edited by crimescene
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To name a few, as Im not sitting here relisting Science Direct and Sci Finder to you (As google scholar is bias and not useful):


Subjective effects of cannabis before the first psychotic episode http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pelle_De_Koning/publications


Quote from conclusion:"These results suggest that schizophrenia patients in the prodromal phase and subjects at UHR for psychosis are more sensitive to some negative effects of cannabis, in particular psychotic effects, compared to cannabis users from the general population."


A positive association between anxiety disorders and cannabis use or cannabis use disorders in the general population- a meta-analysis of 31 studies http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-244X/14/136


Quote from conclusion: "There was a small positive association between anxiety and either cannabis use"



Residual effects of cannabis use on neurocognitive performance after prolonged abstinence



Quote from conclusion:"In the first meta-analysis, 33 studies met inclusion criteria. Results indicated a small negative effect for global neurocognitive performance as well for most cognitive domains assessed. Unfortunately, methodological limitations of these studies prevented the exclusion of withdrawal symptoms as an explanation for observed effects. In the second meta-analysis, 13 of the original 33 studies met inclusion criteria. Results indicated no significant effect of cannabis use on global neurocognitive performance or any effect on the eight assessed domains"


Cannabis-related deficits in real-world memory



Quote from conclusion:"Multivariate analysis of variance revealed cannabis users performed worse overall on the task, with poor performance on the planning, time-based PM and event-based PM subscales. In addition, indices of cannabis (length, dose, frequency, total use) were correlated with performance on these three subscales."


Legalizing Cannabis: A physician's primer on the pulmonary effects of marijuana."



Quote from conclusion:"Habitual smoking of marijuana is associated with multiple respiratory symptoms such as cough, sputum production, and wheezing .These symptoms are not significantly different from those exhibited by tobacco smokers."


Continued cannabis use and risk of incidence and persistence of psychotic symptoms: 10 year follow-up cohort study.



Quote from conclusion: "Cannabis use is a risk factor for the development of incident psychotic symptoms. Continued cannabis use might increase the risk for psychotic disorder by impacting on the persistence of symptoms."


And obviously there are many more. By the way "If they do exist"? - you get what you search for.


Not much there to show the negative affects though given all these studies.


BTW I dont use it but cant see any conclusive evidence that it is harmful

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Quote from conclusion:"These results suggest that schizophrenia patients in the prodromal phase and subjects at UHR for psychosis are more sensitive to some negative effects of cannabis, in particular psychotic effects, compared to cannabis users from the general population."




Quote from conclusion: "There was a small positive association between anxiety and either cannabis use"





Quote from conclusion:"In the first meta-analysis, 33 studies met inclusion criteria. Results indicated a small negative effect for global neurocognitive performance as well for most cognitive domains assessed. Unfortunately, methodological limitations of these studies prevented the exclusion of withdrawal symptoms as an explanation for observed effects. In the second meta-analysis, 13 of the original 33 studies met inclusion criteria. Results indicated no significant effect of cannabis use on global neurocognitive performance or any effect on the eight assessed domains"




Quote from conclusion:"Multivariate analysis of variance revealed cannabis users performed worse overall on the task, with poor performance on the planning, time-based PM and event-based PM subscales. In addition, indices of cannabis (length, dose, frequency, total use) were correlated with performance on these three subscales."




Quote from conclusion:"Habitual smoking of marijuana is associated with multiple respiratory symptoms such as cough, sputum production, and wheezing .These symptoms are not significantly different from those exhibited by tobacco smokers."




Quote from conclusion: "Cannabis use is a risk factor for the development of incident psychotic symptoms. Continued cannabis use might increase the risk for psychotic disorder by impacting on the persistence of symptoms."




Not much there to show the negative affects though given all these studies.


BTW I dont use it but cant see any conclusive evidence that it is harmful



Seems like this is the latest,

"Significant link between cannabis use and onset of mania symptoms"


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