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How long until Cannabis is legal in the UK?

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" there's even the possibility that someone has actually performed a test."


So, you don't know. You suspect, you believe, but you don't know.


I would hazard that driving with caffeine psychosis would be very hazardous.




The bald, context free stat that "The percentage of Canadian drivers killed in vehicle crashes who test positive for drugs (40%) now actually exceeds the numbers who test positive for alcohol (33%) "


Doesn't even mention cannabis.

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There could very well be a spike soon as people may think they can get away with smoking a joint and driving;


They might not know rapid road side testing is possible

They might not think it's as bad as alcohol

They probably don't know what the limits are

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Drug driving convictions are increasing here too.

What you've gotta remember is the technology for a road side test has only been around for a short while, prior to that all someone had to do was pass a road-side impairment test.


Now because it's so much simpler the test has become routine and many more people are being caught.


The problem with this is it is you can test the THC levels in blood etc but there is no known level of impairment when it comes to cannabis. It seems to be just an arbitrary amount that has been agreed on. Not forgetting that THC levels can still be in the body many days after taking cannabis when the person is quite functional/capable and is not "stoned".

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The problem with this is it is you can test the THC levels in blood etc but there is no known level of impairment when it comes to cannabis. It seems to be just an arbitrary amount that has been agreed on. Not forgetting that THC levels can still be in the body many days after taking cannabis when the person is quite functional/capable and is not "stoned".




You mean like when you fail a breath test the day after a good night out?


that's just as arbitrary.


What's the difference?

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You mean like when you fail a breath test the day after a good night out?


that's just as arbitrary.


What's the difference?


The difference is that high levels of THC, enough to fail a drug test can still be present in the body many days (7-10) after taking it as it is stored in the fatty tissues. In that situation the user will not be impaired but could still fail a roadside drugs test. It is also harder to quantify how much an individual can take before they are impaired as I dont think it has been studied much. Cant say I have read any papers/studies on cannabis and impairment, however it is well known what effect measured amounts of alcohol have and how long those effects or impairment lasts. In most cases someone failing a alcohol test would pass the same test several hours later as it metabolises fairly quickly. If a know amount of alcohol is taken it can easily be estimated as to how long the person would be unfit to drive. That is not the case with cannabis.



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" there's even the possibility that someone has actually performed a test."


So, you don't know. You suspect, you believe, but you don't know.


I would hazard that driving with caffeine psychosis would be very hazardous.

Who mentioned caffeine psychosis though before just now.

I imagine that driving with water intoxication would be dangerous, but that doesn't mean that having had a drink of water before driving is dangerous.

We both know that dose is almost everything.


---------- Post added 26-10-2018 at 07:41 ----------


Before I get slated I do not smoke or take drugs in any shape or form !I personally think cannabis should be made legal under the same rules as alchohol dont drive under influence ect. This would lead to underground drug dealing stopping as it did with gambling and drinking in the old days when both were illegally done underground in secret ..now both morally accepted :D


Which old days are you referring to?


---------- Post added 26-10-2018 at 07:43 ----------




You mean like when you fail a breath test the day after a good night out?


that's just as arbitrary.


What's the difference?


The limit is 'arbitrary' in that someone decided it. But we can quantitatively show a decline in reaction speed and judgement against a level of blood alcohol.

And failing a breath test the next day isn't detecting it long after it's ceased to be impacting you, the breath measurement is still related to your blood alcohol level and that level will still be directly affecting your reactions.

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