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Vile Twitter threats to Jess Ennis

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Jessica Ennis is incredibly brave to put herself into the spotlight this way. I am sure she was aware people would behave like idiots in response and I hope the police is already on the case (I would be surprised if not).


We definitely need to better educate society in what is and isn't acceptable online, basic ground rule: if it isn't acceptable in the street, it isn't acceptable online... it really is that simple.

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It's standard procedure for people who've been found guilty of certain crimes not to be allowed to go back to certain professions. Paedophiles and teaching, for example. Coppers and solicitors done for some criminal offences too. Accountants done for fraud another.


Footballers and ?


I have no problems with restrictions on certain activities and the ones quoted above go without saying but you are talking about a footballer so unless the FA come up with a list of offences that would proscribe footballers from returning to their chosen profession then these circumstances do not aaply.


As for accountants I am not sure how you could stop those that have committed fraud from practising other than they would not authorised or employed by a body which they were a member of such as the ICEAW

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Just playing devils advocate when did post sentence retribution become part and parcel of the crime.


Evans is a convicted rapist who continues to maintain that what he did was not rape. He is wrong and any employer who takes him on (football or otherwise) makes an indirect statement about their morals i.e. we don't care about his views if it makes us money. Trouble with that attitude is that people will judge the business and instead of the employee being an asset they become a liability... Evans is a liability that SUFC need to disassociate from.


The treatment of Jess Ennis is a disgrace and has occurred because United have failed to do what is right and are dragging this out. We now have a Sheffield icon being threatened and harassed whilst United continue to side with an unrepentant rapist in the misguided belief that it is a moral stance against 'the mob'. If the penny doesn't drop soon the Board will ruin the clubs reputation forever.

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Evans is a convicted rapist who continues to maintain that what he did was not rape. He is wrong and any employer who takes him on (football or otherwise) makes an indirect statement about their morals i.e. we don't care about his views if it makes us money. Trouble with that attitude is that people will judge the business and instead of the employee being an asset they become a liability... Evans is a liability that SUFC need to disassociate from.


The treatment of Jess Ennis is a disgrace and has occurred because United have failed to do what is right and are dragging this out. We now have a Sheffield icon being threatened and harassed whilst United continue to side with an unrepentant rapist in the misguided belief that it is a moral stance against 'the mob'. If the penny doesn't drop soon the Board will ruin the clubs reputation forever.


:thumbsup: Well said.

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I would have thought that Evans could see the furure it is causing and if he had any loyalty or backbone he would issue a statement exhonerating the club and walk away.


I have read through this whole thread and this is the only mention of Ched Evans actually doing something right for once. I think he should step back, look at the damage he is causing, and just say sorry I am going to leave and let the club get back on an even footing. I don't know if he is guilty or not, but I do think he is causing the most damage to the club by staying there, not the sponsors, Ennis Hill or anyone else

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Evans is a convicted rapist who continues to maintain that what he did was not rape. He is wrong and any employer who takes him on (football or otherwise) makes an indirect statement about their morals i.e. we don't care about his views if it makes us money. Trouble with that attitude is that people will judge the business and instead of the employee being an asset they become a liability... Evans is a liability that SUFC need to disassociate from.


The treatment of Jess Ennis is a disgrace and has occurred because United have failed to do what is right and are dragging this out. We now have a Sheffield icon being threatened and harassed whilst United continue to side with an unrepentant rapist in the misguided belief that it is a moral stance against 'the mob'. If the penny doesn't drop soon the Board will ruin the clubs reputation forever.


Spot on - and nice to agree with you for a change.

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I was going to make ysoserious's point. If you think it a good idea to allow rapists to make home visits maybe you think convicted paedophiles should be allowed to work in schools.


My advice would be to get a brain.


Thanks for that,I was going to respond too, but I thought my point was so obvious it didn't need a response. I was wrong !

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Evans and SUFC have handled it very badly. Evans should have gone on an extended holiday, perhaps trained himself to maintain fitness. SUFC should have made it clear they can't have anything to do with him unless his appeal application is won and he is eventually declared innocent. Then Evans could play and they could have him, if they wanted and any chants directed towards him should be treated as a hate crime. Chanting "rapist" at someone who isn't should break the law. If in the meantime another club wanted to sign him then that's up to them and would resolve the situation.


Personally if he doesn't get an appeal and the chance to prove his innocence then there is little future working in an industry where public opinion would be so strong. If the issues costs the company business then they would get shut.... its business.

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Evans and SUFC have handled it very badly. Evans should have gone on an extended holiday, perhaps trained himself to maintain fitness. SUFC should have made it clear they can't have anything to do with him unless his appeal application is won and he is eventually declared innocent. Then Evans could play and they could have him, if they wanted and any chants directed towards him should be treated as a hate crime. Chanting "rapist" at someone who isn't should break the law. If in the meantime another club wanted to sign him then that's up to them and would resolve the situation.


Personally if he doesn't get an appeal and the chance to prove his innocence then there is little future working in an industry where public opinion would be so strong. If the issues costs the company business then they would get shut.... its business.


Evans is a rapist, so what's your point?

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