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Vile Twitter threats to Jess Ennis

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I appreciate that he was found guilty. It doesn't matter what I think. But as is frequently said its as though there has never been a wrong decision reached in a court of law.


Wasn't Joan of Arc burnt at the stake for heracy... only for it to be overruled after her death...


Can someone who has seen the above video explain why the girl was judged to be incapable of consent but she seemed perfectly sober?


I'm not sure how the court came to the conclusion she was drunk when she clearly wasn't and the tests they did the next day didn't prove she was drunk either.


Maybe you need to comment upon the last few posts that contradict your claim that the girl wasn't too drunk to consent. You see this is the key issue, the court judged Ched Evans on all the evidence, not on the cherry picked snippets of information that his website puts forward.

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If anybody else feels that rape is only rape if violence is used I strongly suggest that they check their facts before stating such.



Ched Evans was convicted of rape. In the eyes of the law he is a rapist, and we are not about to allow his victim to be persecuted further with conjecture about what happened to her not being rape. A court has determined that it was indeed rape and that is the end of discussion.



Further - if there is new evidence then I suggest that you pass that to the relevant authorities - that means the police for anybody in doubt. I will also remind you that if there is such a thing then it would be a very bad idea to publish it on this or any other forum.


No further warnings will be issued on this subject

Edited by mort
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My opinion, is fact to me, unless someone can prove otherwise. That's slightly ironic, you pick your video to highlight the point that she was drunk but then disagree with what mine shows... Perhaps she sobered up by the time she got back to the hotel..


This also begs the question if she was that drunk in the take away why wasn't Macdonald found guilty as well...


Firstly, you don't seem to have a grasp on what the word "fact" means.

Secondly, I quoted the kebab shop video evidence to demonstrate how you cherry-picked your snippet of evidence.


Anyway, I have no wish to fall foul of mort so that's my last word for now.

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I feel sorry for the Blades who share your attitude to this whole sorry affair. The management of the club have been totally inept in the way they've handled this. It was easy to see how this was likely to go from the beginning and it would have been so easy for them to say "Let us know if your appeal is successful but we are not interested until then". It would have saved so much damage to the club's reputation.


Indeed, Bramall Lane is the closest ground to my house, my wife & I went to see them earlier this year. When our kids are old enough despite my allegiances lying elsewhere I'd have encouraged them to take an interest in the local club and been happy to take them. Not any more though the club is toxic and anything but a family club.

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Sorry but you are misinformed. The girl wasn't drunk. Watch this video of her entering the hotel. Now I used to drink a few in my time. So some of this would be impossible for someone who was on the verge of being passed out.... To walk in high heels, unaided, crouch and pick a box up and then walk again... without so much of a wobble would be impossible if drunk.. never mind on the verge of collapse.


Incidentally, it was indeed Evans' hotel room. He paid for it and booked it for MacDonald. That is why he was given entry. They checked the payment was the same as the card he had...


It is an interesting case, for someone like me who likes studying court cases... I feel he is innocent, reading all the stuff and viewing the video tape the girl is lying if she said she had enough to drink that it made her lose her memory... Anyway this is the video.





A Jury seemed to think different and found Evans guily as charged. Are you in possession of the evidence seen by an impartial jury or are you just basing your comments on a website which is hardly impartial and has a vested interest in portraying Evans as a wronged man. ?


I know who i believe.

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Indeed, Bramall Lane is the closest ground to my house, my wife & I went to see them earlier this year. When our kids are old enough despite my allegiances lying elsewhere I'd have encouraged them to take an interest in the local club and been happy to take them. Not any more though the club is toxic and anything but a family club.


Would you allow your kids to have a Nintendo?, they support another convicted rapist called Mike Tyson.

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Would you allow your kids to have a Nintendo?, they support another convicted rapist called Mike Tyson.


I didn't know that.Thanks for that,theirs is going in the bin first thing in the morning.Can you do some more research for me and find other things that it's immoral to own? Quick as you can,it's bin day tomorrow and I'm sure there must be more stuff I need to get rid of.

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