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Religion on tv ?

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I beg to differ I couldn't quote you one memorable story from them , I would guarantee most people who have never owned or read a bible could tell you a story from it .


A story being memorable and a story being good are two different things.

In most religions, their particular holy texts are repeated over and over, week after week, year after year. That's why many people see it as a form of brainwashing or control.


If you had a Discworld novel on repeat for your whole life, you can bet your belief that you'd know more than a few stories.

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memorable = good in any teaching aid


You seem a little confused in what you say, it's somewhat the other way around...


The teaching 'aid' (method) used in religion is rote dictation. This is precisely the tool that makes the stories memorable to you.


The more you hear something, the more you remember it, whether you're interested or not. This does not make it a good story or even a good teaching method, as it doesn't require any actual critical thinking about the subject.


It's just like having a nail (story) hammered into your head, whether that's a clean, new, shiny nail (good story) or a dirty, old, rusty nail (bad story), that nail is going into your head, regardless.

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the teaching aid is the bible



as regards rote / repetition Jesus said at matthew 6:7


When praying, do not say the same things over and over again as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words.

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You seem a little confused in what you say, it's somewhat the other way around...


The teaching 'aid' (method) used in religion is rote dictation. This is precisely the tool that makes the stories memorable to you.


The more you hear something, the more you remember it, whether you're interested or not. This does not make it a good story or even a good teaching method, as it doesn't require any actual critical thinking about the subject.


It's just like having a nail (story) hammered into your head, whether that's a clean, new, shiny nail (good story) or a dirty, old, rusty nail (bad story), that nail is going into your head, regardless.


I think I've spotted why they think it's a good teaching method. ;)

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the teaching aid is the bible



as regards rote / repetition Jesus said at matthew 6:7


When praying, do not say the same things over and over again as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words.


Instead of praying,why not do something useful instead? nothing comes from talking to yourself,its useless.

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I can't understand the on going and ceaseless battle between atheists and the godly that goes on incessantly on this forum. If you don't want to go to church then don't. If you want to go then go. If you don't like religious programs then switch. If you do then enjoy, you're not hurting anybody else. Live and let live. I'm not religious, but I don't spend my waking hours proclaiming proudly to the world that I don't believe in god. Who the hell cares? It's nobody else's business what you or I believe in.

Edited by buck
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I can't understand the on going and ceaseless battle between atheists and the godly that goes on incessantly on this forum. If you don't want to go to church then don't. If you want to go then go. If you don't like religious programs then switch. If you do then enjoy, you're not hurting anybody else. Live and let live. I'm not religious, but I don't spend my waking hours proclaiming proudly to the world that I don't believe in god. Who the hell cares? It's nobody else's business what you or I believe in.

You live in the usa so should know what power religion has.You may not care that kids would be taught the fairy stories of the bible and the young earth creation rubbish but I am because it is wrong and if the god nuts get in that's what will happen.

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You live in the usa so should know what power religion has.You may not care that kids would be taught the fairy stories of the bible and the young earth creation rubbish but I am because it is wrong and if the god nuts get in that's what will happen.


The God nuts, as you put it, in Texas have recently passed textbooks filled with misinformation about the American constitution and Democracy: claiming Moses influenced its writings & that Democracy stems from the OT. And that's what these religionists do: they overemphasise the role of religion or outright lie/misinform and claim things as fact because it fits with religion or their religious agenda. And they do this in the face of all evidence to the contrary.


The end result is kids learning creationism/ID in schools and being misinformed about history in general. Christian kids end up with the impression that their religion has always been good or the civilising force of everything that's good - the atrocities committed by their religious predecessors often gets ignored or downplayed. Muslim kid end up with the same impression about their religion and its history.... and so on. It's such a shame.

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