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Band Aid 2014 - Ebola - Have you bought it?

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The song and everything that goes with it has long passed its sell by date ,its an insult to the people who bought the original in good faith that they dont write a new one it seems to question the intelligence of everyone who bought it ,"look heres that song again you probably have two or three versions have another mind numbing version ,youll never know the difference"

Charity also begins at home the governments over there are doing nothing and they will continue to do less when the money starts coming in ,bet they skim quite a bit though.

I think Geldof has become a poublicity hound much the same as the McAnns..time for another ego boost and more personal additions

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Big limos ?

Fur coats ?

Where ?:confused:

Not just a tad jealous of their 'achievements' are you by any chance ?


I bet some of the bigger names wouldnt get much change out of a couple of grand for their outfits. I dont begrudge them this one bit but come on. They could dig deeper than your average bloke could so why dont they? Yeah some do but the vast majority just think their name is enough. What massive arrogance that is.

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Big limos ?

Fur coats ?

Where ?:confused:

Not just a tad jealous of their 'achievements' are you by any chance ?




not really, dont you think they get a little too much money for being able to sing well? Whats a good song compared to being able to save a life?


What would you think to surgens selling some of their knowledge for large sums of cash to the likes of Beyonce to raise money for the cause?

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not really, dont you think they get a little too much money for being able to sing well? Whats a good song compared to being able to save a life?


What would you think to surgens selling some of their knowledge for large sums of cash to the likes of Beyonce to raise money for the cause?


I think royalties are the biggest scam. I wish I could do a days work and be paid the rest of my life for working that day.

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I think royalties are the biggest scam. I wish I could do a days work and be paid the rest of my life for working that day.


So where do you think the money should go when people buy an album, or a tv show pays for a licence to use a particular song?

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