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Band Aid 2014 - Ebola - Have you bought it?

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Apparently the original Band Aid recording was a drink and drugs fest.


Way back in the day there were stories of what Boy George and Marilyn got up to. Same for the Quo. In fact some of them went on record stating they were ****** as newts throughout the whole recording. One famous face (wont name them) stated they were coked off their tits too.


Edited to add i want to make clear i still think the idea of the original Band Aid was a good one and the motives were pure. Now though im not so sure. It seems more an ego trip for the rich and not so famous :(

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Way back in the day there were stories of what Boy George and Marilyn got up to. Same for the Quo. In fact some of them went on record stating they were ****** as newts throughout the whole recording. One famous face (wont name them) stated they were coked off their tits too.


Edited to add i want to make clear i still think the idea of the original Band Aid was a good one and the motives were pure. Now though im not so sure. It seems more an ego trip for the rich and not so famous :(


Correct...and with untraceable funds it would seem. Has nobody got any interest as to where their money is being spent and on whom?

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Edited to add i want to make clear i still think the idea of the original Band Aid was a good one and the motives were pure. Now though im not so sure. It seems more an ego trip for the rich and not so famous :(


There's a few article and books covering the topic. One I recently read was "Hope and Glory" by Stuart Maconie, there's a whole chapter on it. Morrissey was particularly scathing (nowt new there):


'I'm not afraid to say that I think Band Aid was diabolical. Or to say that I think Bob Geldof is a nauseating character. Many people find that very unsettling, but I'll say it as loud as anyone wants me to. In the first instance the record itself was absolutely tuneless. One can have great concern for the people of Ethiopia, but it's another thing to inflict daily torture on the people of Great Britain. It was an awful record considering the mass of talent involved. And it wasn't done shyly it was the most self-righteous platform ever in the history of popular music.'


The whole implication was to save these people in Ethiopia, but who were they asking to save them? Some 13-year-old girl in Wigan! People like Thatcher and the royals could solve the Ethiopian problem within ten seconds. But Band Aid shied away from saying that — for heaven's sake, it was almost directly aimed at unemployed people.


And even Michael Buerke disliked it.


Maybe I was too young to be aware of the negativity, or maybe it just didn't get the airtime back then on the limited media we had.

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There's a few article and books covering the topic. One I recently read was "Hope and Glory" by Stuart Maconie, there's a whole chapter on it. Morrissey was particularly scathing (nowt new there):






And even Michael Buerke disliked it.


Maybe I was too young to be aware of the negativity, or maybe it just didn't get the airtime back then on the limited media we had.


O'h I think it got enough airtime back then.I know I got sick of hearing it.

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