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Band Aid 2014 - Ebola - Have you bought it?

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I am not sure how we can help the Ebola crisis but I am sure it's been around for years has it not?


So has Influenza, Cancer, Parkinsons, AIDS..I could go on but I wont for obvious reasons.


It's very insular to suggest that borders define who you are. Next time some asks you for a cancer donation tell them no, you may need it for your own family.


The appeal isn't about caring any less by default..it's about caring full stop.

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And the millions he made out of it.


He's renown for being tight as a nuns crotch. So my guess is nowt, but his time and effort.


I thought he made his money out of his media businesses. So you think that it's all a con and he doesn't care for his causes.

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I hate this song. It's patronising, bordering on offensive. I find it completely inappropriate when it's played at Christmas parties - lets all have a big meal then listen to a song about the starving...


I know they've updated the lyrics and I know it's done with the very best of intentions and I absolutely 100% support the causes it's raising money for... but I do wish they'd retire this song and create something new.

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