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Band Aid 2014 - Ebola - Have you bought it?

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Awful AWFUL song. It makes me cringe. Good cause although i do wonder why Bob only gets upset when its Africa having problems. I also wonder why if this outbreak is so bad why a few governments havent paid to get it sorted properly. I mean even if the bill is a few Billion in the grand scheme of things thats pocket change and would hardly be missed.

I wouldnt buy the song unless someone had a gun to my head but i have donated a few quid here and there.


got to agree with you there its a shame that these "celebs" if they feel that worthy! to give some of there earnings from their next album instead of dragging up the old band aid song which incidentally didnt stop the famines in Africa which has carried on year after year since!! and this record seriously wont do very much for Ebola.

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I think that we're missing the big question, which Band Aid is the worst?


The Original Band Aid.


Band Aid 2 - Made with mainly Stock, Aitkin and Waterman singers and few others such as Jimmy Summerville, Wet Wet Wet and the unforgettable Tecehnotronic.


Band Aid 20 - Made with Busted, Dizzy Rascal, Ms Dynamite, Jameelia,Snow Patrol, the Sugarbabes, Will Young et al.


Band Aid 30 - Made with Bastille, Bono, Disclosure, Clean Bandit, Elbow, Paloma Faith, Ed Sheeran et al.


The first one was the better one. Not for musical merit. Its crap like the rest but it was the best as it struck a chords with the public like nothing else ever had. The problem arose when Sir Bob or who ever decided to insult us all by milking that chord like a dairy farmer milks his prize cow. He wants our effing money. Thats clear but hes going the wrong way about getting it.

Respect to Adele :)

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Interesting article here. Did Geldof really shame Adele for not attending?
From just glancing at the (Google) news headlines at the time, I'm not sure whether it was more Geldof, or the redtops opportunistically after a story/scalp, but the shaming attempt was certainly how I perceived it. I'd call that high-profile chugging. Or charitable fascism, take you pick.
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I'd have paid money for them not to have made it.


I'm sure they could raise the same amount between them all if they'd stumped up some cash, they wouldn't have to record and we wouldn't have to listen.


Googling "How much is Geldof worth" brought up this:


Bob Geldof is a rich man. According to the Sunday Times rich list he is worth £32 million and like most rich people he is understandably keen to hang on to his fortune. That's why, very sensibly, he gives no more of his money away to the Government than he has to



Can someone explain to me how Geldof is worth so much money.

He was in a **** awful band, which had 1 big song

He's done crap all of relevance since 1984, apart from popping up every 10 years to front this.


£32 million? Where's that come from?:suspect:


---------- Post added 18-11-2014 at 13:41 ----------


Do "they" even give a s*** its Christmas- I doubt it.






"Do they know it's Christmas"? 70% of Sierra Leone are Muslim :huh:


I hope boko haram don't think its an infidel vehicle to spread christianty:help:

Edited by johncocker
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Can someone explain to me how Geldof is worth so much money.

He was in a **** awful band, which had 1 big song

He's done crap all of relevance since 1984, apart from popping up every 10 years to front this.


£32 million? Where's that come from?:suspect:[


He had a really successful media business, sold it and then started up another one that currently employs 400 people.

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The first one was the better one. Not for musical merit. Its crap like the rest but it was the best as it struck a chords with the public like nothing else ever had. The problem arose when Sir Bob or who ever decided to insult us all by milking that chord like a dairy farmer milks his prize cow. He wants our effing money. Thats clear but hes going the wrong way about getting it.

Respect to Adele :)


I coudn't agree more/

you get a bunch of 2nd rate artists get together to re-market song . It costs these people zero and gets then great publicity. Never mind re-hashing the same old idea from Bob and Bono. Get these people to donate heavily in private then go and ask your African leader friends to steal less from their people and spend more on health care. Then viruses like Ebola would not spread so rapidly. It's called attacking the root cause of the problem - endemic corruption in African governments

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I hate this song. It's patronising, bordering on offensive. I find it completely inappropriate when it's played at Christmas parties - lets all have a big meal then listen to a song about the starving...


I know they've updated the lyrics and I know it's done with the very best of intentions and I absolutely 100% support the causes it's raising money for... but I do wish they'd retire this song and create something new.


"and tonight thank God it’s them instead of you” the most condescending, subliminally racist down-right obnoxious line contained in a vapid, meaningless song, ever. Sung by Mr Tax-dodger NGO booster Bonehead himself

If the truth be known these people don't give a ff about anyone less well off than themselves.


---------- Post added 18-11-2014 at 14:32 ----------


I always find that attitude pretty awful. Surely we should show example to others by trying to help everybody? Not just people that sit inside our man made borders. No? A world that ignores certain catastrophes because it 'isn't our country' is a heartless one.


Don't worry, I'm really not trying to cause arguments/conflict, I'm just interested in people's thoughts and all opinions :-)




you might get some thoughts and opinions if you check Transparency International's site to see who was been draining the most out of Africa. then have a look at 'Production Sharing Agreements'. Then you may get a feel for how much money the govts and ruling families of these countries have raped their people of for generations.

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