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17th November starts anti bullying week

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I wasn't aware until I read on BBC news that this week is designated 'Anti Bullying Week'


According to a report from the University of London, fewer children are being bullied than 10 years ago http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-30082251. I'd like to believe this, I really would but there was a terrible case of a youngster who was bullied at a school and he committed suicide. When questioned by journalists, the head teacher said that their school didn't have a problem with bullying. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/10453027/Gay-son-of-child-abuse-campaigner-killed-himself-after-years-of-bullying-at-school.html Hmmm.


However people with special educational needs are more likely to be targeted as are the disabled. Therefore the needs of this vulnerable group are being highlighted.

Edited by Mister M
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Makes me even more happy with my choice to homeschool my monsters.


Yes I believe that home schooling is becoming more popular with parents, and I can't say that I blame them.

There are some schools that say they take a 'zero tolerance' approach to bullying, but the reality was in my day that many teachers turned a blind eye and incorrectly labelled it banter.

If schools cannot be safe places for children then what's the point? What are children learning if adults are incapable of creating a safe space for them?

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