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Israel deaths. More to follow?

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False. This is one the biggest myths about the whole business - that Hamas were democratically elected. Even though this is regularly repeated by idiot columnists like Seamus Milne, Hamas were not democratically elected st all.


What happened was that Hamas won the 2006 legislative elections, but the legislature is only one arm of government. Hamas's opponents, Fatah, retained control of the executive.


The following year, Hamas seized control of Gaza from Fatah by means of a violent coup.


The Republicans recently gained control of the US senate in the mid term elections. Perhaps you would claim that were the Republican party to seize control of Arizona, Oklahoma, and Texas and claim that president Obama no longer had any authority there, then they had been 'democratically elected' as well?


---------- Post added 19-11-2014 at 07:15 ----------



You didn't explain anything pal. In fact I just explained why Hamas weren't democratically elected at all.



You just admitted that Hamas was elected and the links below suggest they have plenty of support from the Palestinian people.


Most Palestinians surveyed said they preferred Hamas's strategy of armed struggle against Israel rather than peace negotiations,



Hamas emerged from the 2008 and 2012 conflicts militarily degraded but with renewed support among Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank for having confronted Israel and survived.



75% of Palestinians do not think that [in principle] Israel has the right to exist, 70% support One State


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If Palestinians stopped attacking Israel for an extended amount of time, and decided to become a modern, developed, business focused country and to forgoe Islamic fundamentalism for good, there would be no war. But I do not think that is even possible anymore.


You think the fact the people of Palestine are under occupation and oppressed has nothing to do with this?


May be if the Israeli PM and his government actually stopped building on more land- that basically scraps any hope of a 2 state solution or ongoing peace.


The recent news on how the Israeli PM is perceived within some of the US admin go to show he is losing support and a thorn in this whole thing.


The administration of US President Barack Obama has expressed its displeasure over Israel's recent announcement that it would be building more housing units in east Jerusalem, but now reported name-calling directed at Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can be added to the tensions between the two allies.


Jeffrey Goldberg, diplomatic correspondent for The Atlantic, reported Tuesday that he recently spoke to a senior Obama administration official about, "the foreign leader who seems to frustrate the White House and the State Department the most." The unnamed official reportedly told Goldberg: “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chicken****.”


“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official said.


“The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat




The killing of the people at the synagogue is very sad and no innocent persons should be attacked if not in combat- but we know this is not the case in this ugly tense war between the parties- the reason could well be how the Israeli forces have stopped Palestinians worshipping at the Al Aqsa mosque, allowing Jews to use a site that was until recently used only by Muslim.


Let us not forget that killing worshippers going about their own peaceful way was something the fanatical Baruch Goldstein did very casually.



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Attacking Israel is pointless as they just use it as an excuse to mass murder with US supplied weapons.

That in mind, you have to attack the supply line in an attempt to stop this weapons supply.

If you kill American civilians, you'll just get the US to invade someone, as the invaded Afghanistan when a bunch of Saudis attacked them.


What they need to do is disrupt American life, but without any deaths and minimal damage.

Americans are paranoid, as we see every time the slightest thing happens, they shut down everything and shout, "terrorist".

Paranoia is their weakness.

All the Palestinians need to do is, without claiming credit for any attack, bomb a few waste bins, and off a few empty cars at rush hour.

Minor damage only, with no injury of death, but loads of disruption.

The explosions don't need to be much more than a few fireworks, and the odd larger device when no one is around, and the Yanks will soon get fed up, more so when you do a few on a Saturday evening, ruining their night out.

The debate on the internet and TV will soon get the message over - stop supplying Israel, or traffic gridlock and naffed evening out will be the standard in all major American cities.

Americans don't realise how their corrupt politicians get paid to support Israel, and how much of their tax money is sent to that state, but the TV debate would soon bring it all out, forcing the corrupt buggers to stop.


However, I'm not involved with any group and, frankly, the extremists are too stupid to work that out (along with their blood lust that demands carnage), so it won't happen.

Who supply's the weapons that Hamas fire into Isreal.

Perhaps they make those them selves ?


---------- Post added 19-11-2014 at 08:30 ----------


How was Palestine formed?
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THE Temple Mount in Jerusalem is one of the world’s most explosive bits of real-estate.




It might be better if Jerusalem became a UN controlled area with Jews, Christians and Muslims all having the right live work and pray and never becoming part of Israel or a Palestinian state.

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You just admitted that Hamas was elected ]


Hamas won the 2006 legislative election just like the Republicans just won the 2014 midterm elections. Just because the Republicans won the mid terms that does not mean president Obama, who won the 2012 presidential election is not entitled to his job any more.


the source of Hamas' power in Gaza today in 2014 is because they seized it by using violence in the 2007 coup, not because they won the 2006 legislative elections.


why are Hamas governing Gaza, but not the West Bank?


it is because they did not (or more accurately could not) stage a violent coup in the West Bank like they did in Gaza.


Hamas were not democratically elected. Period. If they were, they would be governing the whole of the Palestinian territories, not just a part of it.


"Perhaps we should put the Phoenicians back in charge. They were there before all the current occupiers of the region."


false. The Israelities are the Phoenicans lived side by side and also seemingly in some harmony. Also the Phoenicians inhabited modern day Lebanon not Israel, they stretched only just into today's northern border, just past Akko.


It might be better if Jerusalem became a UN controlled area with Jews, Christians and Muslims all having the right live work and pray.


silly idea, and not only because there is greater religous freedom for the three main religions in Israel today than there has ever been at any point in the past.


that was part of the 1947 partition plan which the Arabs rejected violently, but the Jews accepted. One of the reasons the Arabs rejected it was because they knew they would be bound to lose the referendum that was supposed to follow the UN mandate period, to decide sovereignty after ten years. Jews have been a majority in Jerusalem for well over a hundred years, for many decades before Israel was even founded.

Edited by blake
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This pictures tells us what Israel is.




Click on it, and see how Israel hasn't invaded anything - or maybe a lot.


---------- Post added 19-11-2014 at 11:45 ----------


In fact, unless you ignore history, it's very clear Israel is the invading force and, much as the Palestinians are rather crap at defending, they are right to do so.

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How was Palestine formed?



The Romans had trouble against jewish resistance in Judea formerly Canaan and eventually took the land from the jews and handed it over to the arabs but still largely controlled by the Roman who called province Syria Palaestina


Edited by Mecky
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You just admitted that Hamas was elected and the links below suggest they have plenty of support from the Palestinian people.


Most Palestinians surveyed said they preferred Hamas's strategy of armed struggle against Israel rather than peace negotiations,



Hamas emerged from the 2008 and 2012 conflicts militarily degraded but with renewed support among Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank for having confronted Israel and survived.



75% of Palestinians do not think that [in principle] Israel has the right to exist, 70% support One State



Firemanbob by any chance?:hihi:

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