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Israel deaths. More to follow?

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I would like to see the end of Hamas, but through the ballot box.

These people tend to be rather extreme, as bad as the extremist Zionists over the Israeli occupation wall.

If both were kicked out of power and dumped as the fools they are, the rest of the population, Jewish and Arab, could get back to living in peace.


One thing that is never mentioned; there was no serious conflict in that region between Arabs and Jews until the extremists started up. The vast majority of the population got on together.

Another thing that is never mentioned, there was very little political instability caused by extremist Muslims until America and, sadly, the UK stuck their fat noses in.

The democratically elected government of Iran was removed by the Americans and British, a event that directly led to the mess we see in that country today.

The same goes for the rest of the middle east. There was no terrorism against the west at all, until the west made a bloody mess of the place.

In fact, the only terrorism in the UK was the American funded IRA.


The only time in history when there hasn't been conflict between Jews and Arabs is after the Jews were crushed down to an insignificant minority and complied with the unjust rules set out by their Islamic rulers.

Edited by martok
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The only time in history when there hasn't been conflict between Jews and Arabs is after the Jews were crushed down to an insignificant minority and complied with the unjust rules set out by their Islamic rulers.


Crushed by the Romans, and under Roman rule.

That's the last time there was a significant Jewish population in that area.

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dear me. I think-doyou is indeed very fond of trotting out all the old tired anti Israel myths and cliches. They started off with the old 'Hamas were elected' bull, when in actual fact what the Palestinian electorate did in the 2006 legislative elections that Hamas won was exactly what the American electorate just did in the recent midterms when they voted in the Republicans while Democrat president Obama retained the eecutive/presidency. In 2006 the Palestinian electorate elected Hamas for the lower house while keeping the upper house, the Palestinian presidency, in the hands of Fatah.


Ithink-doyou have you ever heard of the notion of 'checks and balances; in politics?


the Palestinians voted for Hamas in 2006 for the legislature to offset the sway and power of Fatah who had, and still have, the presidency of the Palestinian Authority. They did not vote for them to govern the PA as a whole, still less for them to stage a violent coup in 2007 in which scores of people were killed and is the source of Hamas' political sway and power in Gaza today.


but Ithink-doyou is not content to stop there. They carry on trotting out the same old myths and cliches regardless.


here's some more :


One thing that is never mentioned; there was no serious conflict in that region between Arabs and Jews until the extremists started up. The vast majority of the population got on together.


only someody with no knowledge at all of the relations between Jews and Arabs (not just Arab Muslims) could believe this. The list of pogroms, expulsions and general mistreatment of Jews in the Middle East and North Africa by Arabs on Jews from the Middle Ages and onward is at least as long, and probably longer, than a comparable list for Europe.


the false narrative the anti Israel crowd try to get over, is that everything was just peachy between Arabs and Jews before the advent of Zionism which spoilt everything. In actual fact Zionism was a response to what was seen as the ineradicable antisemitism in the world, not just in Europe, but the Middle East as well. Though yes there were relatively harmonious periods between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East, they always ended in tears and with yet more mistreatment of Jews by the Arabs in the form of pogroms, massacres, and other humiliations.


Another thing that is never mentioned, there was very little political instability caused by extremist Muslims until America and, sadly, the UK stuck their fat noses in.



again only somebody with no knowledge of the history of modernist Islamism could possibly believe this juvenile spin - that it is the Wests' own fault for butting in that Islamism got going in the first place.


the big target for Islamists from the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (forerunner of Hamas) onwards, and also remains to this day, was not the western countries at all but the secular Arab regimes. This is why Egypt's Nasser strung up every Islamist he could - at a time when the West saw the 'enemy' as Soviet communism not Islamism - and why Bashir Assad's dad, taking on the Islamists, killed about 30,000 people in Hama thirty plus years ago. For none of any of that, and more, can anybody blame the West.

Edited by blake
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dear me. I think-doyou is indeed very fond of trotting out all the old tired anti Israel myths and cliches. They started off with the old 'Hamas were elected' bull




RAMALLAH, West Bank, Jan. 26 -- The radical Islamic movement Hamas won a large majority in the new Palestinian parliament, according to official election results announced Thursday, trouncing the governing Fatah party in a contest that could dramatically reshape the Palestinians' relations with Israel and the rest of the world.


The post seems to disagree with you on this issue, as does everyone who isn't a liar.

Does this make you feel silly, or just busted?



Ithink-doyou have you ever heard of the notion of 'checks and balances; in politics?


the Palestinians voted for Hamas in 2006 for the legislature to offset the sway and power of Fatah who had, and still have, the presidency of the Palestinian Authority.


True, but as a result of Fatah's plan to remove the elected Hamas government. You have to tell the whole story, not just the bits you want people to know.

Not exactly a lie, but very misleading.


---------- Post added 24-11-2014 at 05:03 ----------



but Ithink-doyou is not content to stop there. They carry on trotting out the same old myths and cliches regardless.


here's some more :


only someody with no knowledge at all of the relations between Jews and Arabs (not just Arab Muslims) could believe this. The list of pogroms, expulsions and general mistreatment of Jews in the Middle East and North Africa by Arabs on Jews from the Middle Ages and onward is at least as long, and probably longer, than a comparable list for Europe.


Really. Perhaps you could cite a few.




In fact, if you care to take a look at the link regarding Jewish problems, there is little or nothing relating to Arabs having much against Jews until Israel was forced upon them.

In fact, more Jews have been killed by Christians and atheists than Arabs have ever managed.

Try looking up Clifford's tower in York.


Yet another lie.


---------- Post added 24-11-2014 at 05:09 ----------



the false narrative the anti Israel crowd try to get over, is that everything was just peachy between Arabs and Jews before the advent of Zionism which spoilt everything.


It sure was.

Before the mass Jewish immigration, Zionist terrorism, and Zionist wars to create Israel, there was almost no serious problem.

This is evidenced by Blake's total inability to link to anything significant.


Now, just to really lie with a magnitude never seen in the world, the Zionists claim all anti Zionist speech is actually anti Jewish, totally ignoring the millions of Jews who are also anti Zionist.




Take a look at the pictures in the link.

Ant Zionist Jews - are these anti Jewish as well, or is Blake a liar?

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The only time in history when there hasn't been conflict between Jews and Arabs is after the Jews were crushed down to an insignificant minority and complied with the unjust rules set out by their Islamic rulers.


Or possibly when the Romans wrestled control from the jews and gave greater powers to the arabs


---------- Post added 24-11-2014 at 07:44 ----------


In fact, if you care to take a look at the link regarding Jewish problems, there is little or nothing relating to Arabs having much against Jews until Israel was forced upon them.


In fact, more Jews have been killed by Christians and atheists than Arabs have ever managed



Well that's ok then isn't it?


Re point one: I guess muslims joining the axis forces in WW2 specifically due to their hatred oh jews is ok then too






and it’s not just trouble with the jews either








It’s probable that islam was solely created to halt the spread of Christianity in the middle east. In fact, when islam was created in 632AD they more of less went straight onto the offensive and set out to conquer most of Europe before getting pasted in the Battle of Tours in France in 732AD.



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Re point one: I guess muslims joining the axis forces in WW2 specifically due to their hatred oh jews is ok then too


Yes, some Muslims supported Hitler.

By the way, so did some Jews.




But contrary to the myths that have grown up in the bourgeois press Shamir, although hailing from Poland, was no anti-fascist. Quite the contrary. Zionist historian Walter Lacquer wrote that Shamir’s hostility to the British as the occupiers of Palestine, in his view the only obstacle to a Jewish state, meant that as ‘One of the central figures in Irgun’ he ‘believed that Britain not Germany was the main enemy.


"Muslims" supported Hitler because some did.

Does that mean "Jews" supported Hitler?


There were the Nazis, killing Jews by the million, but the extremist Zionists wanted to form an alliance with Hitler.

The Zionists have no care about Jews in general, only their extremist ideology.


I'll try to give you a clue, as clearly you're short of one.

Before you post puerile rubbish, research a little first.

That way you won't look stupid.

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The Jews and the Palestinians are a lost cause. I believe that every US President for the last 70 years has attempted to bring about some kind of peace agreement between the two with Obama being the latest to get nowhere.


You cant say one is better than the other. Hamas wants Israel gone while Netanyahu is probably the most obnoxious leader Israel has had since it's founding.


I often wonder why Obama just doesn't tell him that there's nothing more to be done and not waste his time making any more trips to Washington


Barak Obama should persuade the nato communities that the terrorists need to be cast into the history books hurry up and nuke them:thumbsup:

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Barak Obama should persuade the nato communities that the terrorists need to be cast into the history books hurry up and nuke them:thumbsup:


You are so last year.


Don't you realise, the new evil enemy is China?

In a couple of years, it'll all be about suspicious activity at the local Chinese take away, how Chinese men are all kiddie fiddlers, and how the Chinese want war.


You really must keep up with who America tells you to hate.

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You are so last year.


Don't you realise, the new evil enemy is China?

In a couple of years, it'll all be about suspicious activity at the local Chinese take away, how Chinese men are all kiddie fiddlers, and how the Chinese want war.


You really must keep up with who America tells you to hate.


THATS your point of view not heard of many chinese blowing us up or beheading people or spreading religious crap everywere::loopy:

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THATS your point of view not heard of many chinese blowing us up or beheading people or spreading religious crap everywere::loopy:


I agree the Chinese community really are a benefit to the country. There's thousands in Sheffield all providing one type of service or another. They don't try to change the country or cause any sort of trouble.


Cue some Liberal type posting a picture of a Triad :hihi:


---------- Post added 24-11-2014 at 11:19 ----------


You are so last year.


Don't you realise, the new evil enemy is China?

In a couple of years, it'll all be about suspicious activity at the local Chinese take away, how Chinese men are all kiddie fiddlers, and how the Chinese want war.


You really must keep up with who America tells you to hate.


Its just Muslims who are struggling to integrate. The culture is so different. We don't really mix together after leaving school or university. The women marry and disappear from socializing with none Muslims. Okay we mix at work but I wish they would integrate more for their own sake. Muslim women have a dogs life.


Alcohol is a big hindrance to the different cultures mixing. Young none Muslims go clubbing and to pubs... restaurant and a few drinks.. parties... pop concerts... many other things as well. I'm not saying that this is the fault of Muslims, its just how it is, we don't socialize together.


Its different, I've found with Indians, they seem to integrate more and of course black people spend their leisure time much the same as the indigenous culture (I said the word type away lol) But that's what we predominantly are, white, Christian, if in values only, country.


And I, along with many others don't want this to change.

Edited by Ellco
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