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Worst Road Surface In Sheffield??

old tup

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Rockingham Street from West Street down to Broad Lane.


Agreed. For a major road it's a disgrace.


---------- Post added 18-11-2014 at 16:40 ----------


Rivelin Valley Road is pretty bad at the moment.


Also if driving from Glossop to Sheffield before you get to Rivelin Valley Road there's a bend on Snake Pass with a sunken manhole in just the wrong place, did a nasty skid in the wet due to it (and maybe going slightly too quick).

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Two candidates...


1)Fulwood Road from Broomhill to Ranmoor...patchworked uneven surface

2)Richmond Park Road...potholes and speed bumps..a lethal combination!!


A someone so wisely once remarked:


How come there's never enough tarmac to fill in the potholes - but there's always a bountiful supply to erect new speed humps....


And on a philosophical note, if you pay for a service, (say, oh Broadband) and then find the supplier has taken your money and used it to make the service slower and less useful, because, he says, you are "using it too much" - and you need to be discouraged... wouldn't you be irate, and take your business elsewhere?


Of course you would - and the supplier would surely face regulatory action from Ofcom for not providing the service you paid for....


Well, isn;t that exactly the situation with the roads - we motorists pay enormous sums in Road Tax (yes, I know they renamed it years ago to try to avoid culpability for their actions) - but do the authorities USE that money to provide new roads and maintain the ones we have by filling in potholes, widening them at bottlenecks?




They use it to erect every device known to Man to make the service WORSE... to slow down the traffic, make your journey longer and more circuitous, discourage you from using your car..


Speed humps, bottlenecks, bollards, bus lanes, tram gates... all things designed to favour everyone EXCEPT the poor suckers that PAY for it all - the motorists.


You paid your road tax? Oh, my dear chap, that's irrelevant. The thing is, you're using the roads too much - you've got to be discouraged.


Well, if we ALL did exactly that for a year - stopped paying our Road Tax, where would the roads budget be then? Cos all the bus users, tram riders, cyclists, etc don't contribute a bean to the roads they use.


This leads me on to the hypocrisy of Govt in general - they say they want you to live healthily, stop drinking, stop smoking, stop driving, walk everywhere...


That's nonsense. If we all did that, the Govt would go BROKE in a fortnight. The money would stop flowing in, and we'd all live much longer, and cost them a fortune in pensions and NHS expenses as we need new hips,. etc.


What the Govt REALLY wants you to do is drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney, drive everywhere in a gas-guzzler vehicle, and then DROP DEAD the day before you qualify for a pension. That way they make a huge profit on you, whereas if you live a pure, healthy, ad long life. they not only get little tax from you, they have to pay you a pension for 30+ years.

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Deerlands Avenue and Hartley Brook Road.
yep i second this. What make's me still laugh is that when it was on the local news many moon's ago that we had been awarded all this money to do the road's they were filming this on hartley brook road and it STILL hasn't been done...
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Callow Mount leading down towards Abney Road leading to intersection with Gleadless Road.


Bet there's no vehicle made even with the best suspension that can drive on this stretch without the driver / passengers being tossed about or feeling a bump !


Full length of Abney Road is like driving on cobble stones....complete disgrace, if any road needs re-surfacing then its this one - best part about it, its on a bus route.

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