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Curzon cinema, George Street


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..but whats the seating like? are they the reclining/rocking chairs?

I prefer to go to cineworld, but the chairs are bit behind the times in terms of what I used to get in the States. I went to a specific theatre back home because they had the oversized chairs and small rooms.


I love what the Showroom show, but their seating is horrid and uncomfortable for more than 75 mins.


The seating at Curzon is reclining and has a bit more leg room. This didn't make it more comfortable for me if anything it made me fiddle with my seat, I don't mind the seating at the Showroom.

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Even eight pounds at the Showroom, is a lot, but 11.50?, we seem to be creating a new cultural division in the U.K. I don't remember such high prices even allowing for price inflation in the 80's. if anyone remembers Dave Godin (started Motown in the UK) who ran the Anvil Cinema, he warned of how culture would become the preserve of the wealthy.

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The internet has allowed legal low cost "on-demand" services and other services of dubious legality to replace the cinema. Fewer and fewer people are going to the cinema so those that do especially for niche films in a luxury settings are going to have to stump up. Culture is alive and well it's just in beamed straight to your smart device there's no need to go to a particular place at a particular time anymore.

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I would like to try it out but when same film is 12 quid there and 8.10 at showroom its hard to go - what extra are we paying for, the higher rent in this part of town ?


I do wish it success but there are so many old large buildings in centre of sheffield not used that the council could well make better use of to stimulate industry and jobs and life in the centre.


At least the fact that this building is now being used for a business venture as opposed to abandoned is a start I suppose !

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How many of these places have a independent cinema venue of the quality of The Showroom already? I wouldn't put it just down to the Sheffield demographic if this fails, The Showroom while not the lap of luxury is fairly high standard, good bar serving real ale and good food, it's not your typical multiplex with Frank & Bennie's and McDonalds attached. Yes there is the odd rough edge and the building isn't exactly beautiful but Curzon may be biting off a little more than they can chew with regards pricing, I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm thinking of visiting myself for their "Curzon curates" showing of The Drop.

Saw the Drop at the weekend in the comfort of my own home for the price of four bottles from the supermarket. Outstanding value and a decent film

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I agree with Roger123W - it's difficult to see what the market for the Curzon is, given its significantly higher prices. There's already the Odeon (as an alternative for those who don't want to go out to Cineworld) and the Showrooom, conveniently right next to the train station.


I don't think the Showroom's expensive. I think it offers amazing value for money, particularly with its membership scheme and especially for students. As a student member, I rarely pay more than £4 and there are plenty of special offers even for non-students and non-members. The meal for two / wine / film deal for about £30 is a pretty cheap night out, and the "Best of 2014" season (to give one example) was only £5 general admission. Plus the staff are always friendly and what's not to like about a cinema that sells decent beer and lets you take it in with you?! Equating going to the cinema to watching something off Netflix is like comparing a takeaway to a meal in a restaurant - there's nothing wrong with either, but you're paying for something different when you have a meal out or watch a film at the cinema.

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I used to live in Edinburgh not so long ago, where we had the Cameo and Filmhouse not far from each other. Complemented each other very well. No reason why it shouldn't survive alongside the Showroom, but given the prices and reported lack of decent beer I'm picking the Showroom for Birdman this evening.


Also, the membership prices seem a bit steep. £50 for a couple of free films and 15% off the rest means you need to be visiting pretty regular to get value out of it. They seem to be relying on curiosity and word of mouth rather than introductory offers to entice people in. Which is fine, as long as word of mouth says it's worth going.

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