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New snooper law proposed

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This isn't going to go away, not as long as Teresa May is in charge anyway.


I don't care how many emotive arguments the government introduces (now even stooping as low as the law being needed to help "Vulnerable people such as children using social media to discuss taking their own life"...) I don't want the government to track my every move online. It is the biggest breach of privacy since they plastered the country with CCTV except that this time it is also IN the house.


My house, my rules. I don't trust the intelligence services any further than I can throw them, and as they have blown up out of proportion over the past decade that is not very far.

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Slightly off tangent here, but other day the missus was downloading some app to her phone. I was a bit bored so decided to read the T&Cs of said app. I was a bit shocked to read how much of my other aifs info this company would have access to.


It could read her text messages.

Phone contacts and call logs.

And other stuff.

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This isn't going to go away, not as long as Teresa May is in charge anyway.


I don't care how many emotive arguments the government introduces (now even stooping as low as the law being needed to help "Vulnerable people such as children using social media to discuss taking their own life"...) I don't want the government to track my every move online. It is the biggest breach of privacy since they plastered the country with CCTV except that this time it is also IN the house.


My house, my rules. I don't trust the intelligence services any further than I can throw them, and as they have blown up out of proportion over the past decade that is not very far.


Its the shape of things to come and its to save us from the terrorists with the brown faces. Because thats who we need protecting from, the religious nuts, Not the megalomaniac nutters we have for our government but the other ones.

We are apparently in a heightened state of 'terror'. Perhaps these laws are a good thing then.

Stop the world, i want to get off!

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Its the shape of things to come and its to save us from the terrorists with the brown faces. Because thats who we need protecting from, the religious nuts, Not the megalomaniac nutters we have for our government but the other ones.

We are apparently in a heightened state of 'terror'. Perhaps these laws are a good thing then.

Stop the world, i want to get off!


The measures might be presented as a way to protect us against terrorists, but that's just a way of selling it. In fact they want to track everyone's personal life and these proposals should be resisted.


I noticed in the current proposals they include cyber-bullying as one of the reasons for allowing the police to read everyone's private communications.


We're talking sad trolls here who issue threats of violence on Twitter. They want permission to read everyone's email because of THAT?!?!?!?

Edited by Nagel
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...It is the biggest breach of privacy since they plastered the country with CCTV except that this time it is also IN the house...
You seem to have forgotten the recent emergency legislation that was passed that means every electronic communication you make is logged along with your location, who you communicated with, for phone calls the duration of the call and the time and date of the call. basically everything about the communication excluding the content.


All of which can be accessed by the police without a warrant, they just need a senior officer to sign off on it thanks to RIPA.


I'm not sure how we can stop this as personally I suspect this has nothing to do with the Home Secretary, I think someone in GCHQ with access to the home secretary is on a fund raising exercise and runs a scare campaign on the HS until they are convinced more draconian legislation is the way to go.


Don't forget the previous government attempted to bring in the snoopers charter and ID cards, the coalition came to power and initially promised to get rid of it, now the HS is producing much the same demands for new surveillance powers as her predecessor.


For me it's too consistent across parties to be a coincidence and the only thing I can think of is GCHQ.


We'll find out after the next election I guess, if it is GCHQ then there may be an initial winding back of the surveillance state but after a few months the march to monitor everyone will continue.

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I think you're right astrols, every piece of surveillance legislation to date has been abused by those we're supposed to trust at some stage, with the possible exception of DRIP which hasn't really been around long enough.

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