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When these British born Islamic terrorists die

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I find it more worrying that they've taken four people suspected of planning to behead someone in this country.

Although few details have been released I would be very surprised to find that they're not jihadists. But, on the hand other hand I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't some extreme UK group saying that enough is enough following recent atrocities by IS.

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Good post. That's my take on the subject exactly. I'll chuck £100 in to the kity to help send a few more overseas.




I've a good mind to report you to the police for conspiring to fund terrorism but seeing as I'm in a good mood I wont! :hihi:

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Who defines what a terrorist is?


Would you be "more than happy" for the innocent civilians of the countries we have invaded for profit to "burn, chop up, throw off a cliff" the bodies of the dead British soldiers they find?

But have British soldiers done that to innocent civilians.maybe instead of trying to blame British Soldiers all the time,your people by the way who are acting under orders,maybe you should blaming the evil corrupt heads of state in these places.The Americans and British got rid of a dictator who practised genocide on the scale of the Nazis ,yet suddenly its an "illegal" war,how you get an "illegal" war is beyond me..you kill them ,they kill you ,all in the name,usually, of whichever deity you support.Everbody cheered when Sadaams statues where being dragged down,most celebrated when he suffered the botched execution then suddenly it was "they shouldnt be there,most probably to appease the religion in this country I expect.

The Americans praise their troops ,we let religious fanatics slate them in public and on forums their own doing it I can understand ,our people ?the words ignorance and traitors spring to mind.

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But have British soldiers done that to innocent civilians.maybe instead of trying to blame British Soldiers all the time,your people by the way who are acting under orders,maybe you should blaming the evil corrupt heads of state in these places.The Americans and British got rid of a dictator who practised genocide on the scale of the Nazis ,yet suddenly its an "illegal" war,how you get an "illegal" war is beyond me..you kill them ,they kill you ,all in the name,usually, of whichever deity you support.Everbody cheered when Sadaams statues where being dragged down,most celebrated when he suffered the botched execution then suddenly it was "they shouldnt be there,most probably to appease the religion in this country I expect.

The Americans praise their troops ,we let religious fanatics slate them in public and on forums their own doing it I can understand ,our people ?the words ignorance and traitors spring to mind.


I take it you're not happy then Glammy?

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Our own government has to take some responsibility for this. They should crack down hard on these people. They have pussy footed about too long for feel of offending Muslims in general. And because of this ordinary Muslims are suffering the backlash.


The EDL was formed in response to troops being welcomed home by banners declaring them "baby killers" and the like. These people should have been arrested and stopped.


Now we're in a pickle.

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More from the religion of peace. I wonder how many British muslims killed these people http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-30288137


I suppose one day the rest of the world will tire of the terrorists, the grooming gangs, the hate preachers, the Islamification of our schools, and generally having to make concessions to these people. When that day arrives there will be trouble on our streets. It is already happening in some parts of the world. I just wonder when it will become fashionable here.

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