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Should hardworking people be guaranteed work?

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What you seem to be demanding is that everyone who wants to work should be guaranteed a job and salary/wages commensurate with their qualifications and aptitudes.


I think the answer to that must be 'No, that isn't possible'.


Why not?


It's hardly expensive to pay people a bit more than dole to actually work.


If pay is lower than in the PRS or at the minimum, then all the PRS needs to do is offer average salary or higher than the minimum to attract workers, trained workers who are already working can still be recruited, the reserve army of labour need not be unemployed.


Structural unemployment need not be.

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Because they expand their original idea to make more money.


An example being Tesco which was started as a market stall by Jack Cohen, obviously he could have continued to just operate as a sole trader running a market stall, but he saw an opportunity to expand and he took it, 95 years later we have a global company employing thousands of people.


How can they do that if, as you say, they don't employ people?

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The sort interested in making a profit, why employ more people than you need?


I get that, but it is the way Mecky puts it, especially the 'minimal acceptable rate' part. I don't know a single employer who is happy with the minimally acceptable quality, if they are it is a sure-fire way to lose business.


Why do you think the government will miss it's targets on immigration? Why you you think the government is missing it's tax collection promises? Why do you think the NHS has long waiting queues? etc ...


I thought we were talking about employers? Nice drift, but wholly unrelated.


So why do businesses employ people then?


Because that is how they make more money. A happy business makes money, thus employs people, the more people they employ, the more money they can make, the happier the business. It really isn't rocket-science


If 3 people can do the job acceptably why would you employ 10?..


As mentioned above, it is to do with acceptable and the way Mecky puts it across. I am well aware that businesses won't go hiring people for no good reason.


Anyway, as per the OP: This system is being used in China. It works great there, it keeps the plebeians 'happy' which effectively translates to: Too busy to complain. The best jobs are for those sweeping motorways with home-made brooms. Although there is something to be said for the girls that stand at the entrance of any self-respecting government agency bowing for each guest in perfect synchronisation and sweetly murmuring ni hao.

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Well they could start by paying a wage for work, instead of wanting it done for free.

I'm thinking for example, of Sheffield Libraries, that are now run by free volunteers instead of paid qualified Librarians.


Far too many people are working for free (internships, work experience, volunteers, etc,) or next to nothing, (jobs that get round the minimum wage, jobs that are subsidised by the government etc.) It's not on.


There's plenty of work for people to do. Who'd say no to a few extra nurses on the wards, or more teachers and smaller class sizes? Plenty of work, just no one willing to pay for it.



Really, and here`s me thinking there is a minimum wage in this country. . Silly me. But anyone who isnt happy with the wage on offer in any particular job is free to look elsewhere.

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I didn't say they don't employ people.


You will find that this is what Mecky does - anytime he's in danger of losing the argument he'll ask a different question so to steer away from him being embarrassed. When you don't answer them he complains that you are aoiding the point but since it's a point he's made and is irrelevant to what you are discussing that doesnt really matter...


Mecky assumes that all employers are out to shaft their workers as soon as possible - forgetting that a lot/most of them do actually care about their staff and that understaffing is a good way to lose work quickly as you cannot get orders out the door, and the work is poor quality. That viewpoint stems from his ideological blindness and hatred of anyone who isn't of a hard left political slant.

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