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Cleveland, US. Police kill boy, 12

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How hard do you think it would be to shoot someone and cause precisely enough damage to incapacitate them enough that they are no longer a threat, but not too much to kill them? This would be incredibly difficult.




Reading an article is not reason to form a conclusion, merely a vehicle by which a conclusion can be reached. What did you find in these articles that helped you form an opinion that is against the view of most experts (that shooting to kill in incidences like this is the correct policy).


I would actually like you to provide me with a good enough answer to convince me you are right. I genuinely want you to be right, but I don't think you are


I'm not here to convince you that I'm right. That doesn't stop me having an opinion. Maybe if this wasn't a kid holding the gun, I'd think differently?

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I'm not here to convince you that I'm right. That doesn't stop me having an opinion. Maybe if this wasn't a kid holding the gun, I'd think differently?


No you aren't, though you are presumably here to have a discussion. Obviously you don't have to answer me. Unfortunately, a kid with a gun is just as dangerous as an adult.


And yes it is possible, but not practical.

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Even if it had been an adult, then the police's 'instinctive' response (given that they were not under direct threat and were presumably wearing body armour in any case) would still have been disproportionate.


Body armour doesn't protect the whole body though. Could have been a artery in the leg or a head shot, but if you had any brains at all you wouldn't do anything except raise your hands when told to do so by armed police.

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Possible but unlikely. I do not see why a detour was made to his waistband when asked by armed officers to raise his hands.


Well, if the instructions from the Police were exactly as cgksheff stated then it is clear why he reached for the gun.


Their first instruction was to drop the gun.


Their second instruction was to raise his hands.


If the gun was in his waistband in order to obey the police instructions in the order in which they were given, he would have to take the gun out in order to drop it.


As he knew it was a replica he obviously wasn't attempting to have a shoot out with them.


They didn't know that, and so he was killed over poorly expressed orders from the police.


Or at least that's what it sounds like if that is exactly what happened.

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No you aren't, though you are presumably here to have a discussion. Obviously you don't have to answer me. Unfortunately, a kid with a gun is just as dangerous as an adult.


And yes it is possible, but not practical.


A kid with a gun, faced with "highly trained" police officers in body armour in a US state that's rife with gun crime and ALLOWS open carry of hand guns?!? Dangerous? Sorry, but I think you're wrong.

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A kid with a gun, faced with "highly trained" police officers in body armour in a US state that's rife with gun crime and ALLOWS open carry of hand guns?!? Dangerous? Sorry, but I think you're wrong.


You think guns are less dangerous because of a law? They still kill people, guns don't care about legislation.


Wasn't there a school shooting recently in ohio? A kid killed a handful of students. I'm sure it was either last year or the year before.


Although the age of the dead person is an aggravating emotional factor, it can't impact the decision of the police. Should police ID every person with a gun before deciding what to do?


Sad, sad case but the police have to make a decision in a split second. If I were them I would have shot him as soon as he went for the gun. Rather him than me, my colleague or bystanders.


Remember, the markings indicating that this was a non lethal weapon had been deliberately removed. If it is discovered who did this I would like to see them prosecuted.

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