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Cleveland, US. Police kill boy, 12

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I said in this instance it did result in death.


You try to defuse a threat peacefully, but when it appears that a firearm is being drawn, then the time for peaceful solution is surely at an end.


Do you genuinely feel that they should have let the kid draw the weapon?


The approach was probably wrong, they should have approached with more caution.


However, the shooter had to do what he did.


You have missed the point I was making about the hijacking of language to obscure meaning.

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I was actually giving the Police the benefit of the doubt before watching the video,but after watching it,I hope they feel the full wrath of the law in which they are supposed to uphold!(we all know that won't happen though)

The way the police rushed in and created a situation,looks like a satirical OTT comedy sketch.

If this is protocol,then something is seriously wrong.

I feel real sadness for the kid.

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Every click through will give DM money so you sort of did.


You didn't need to watch it (you aren't on a jury or anything).


Well I sorta didn't. Every "click through" I made has not cost me a penny, therefore the DM has not benefited from me on a personally financial basis..I will check my accounts though just in case. :rolleyes:


Of course I didn't need to watch it, like you didn't need to needlessly contribute to the thread. In order to make a reasonable and fair comment, it would be fair to suggest watching as a requirement to come to some personal conclusion or opinion, not attack someone because they linked an item that's in the public domain by weirdly relating it to beheading and ISIS.


(you aren't on a jury or anything).


Well duh, and yet you've judged those that would watch it as somehow odd simply because you've attempted a grab at the moral high ground by refusing to watch it. The thread isn't about you and your moral compass. The family wanted this public..that's a good enough reason at the least for me to watch it...but be rest assured I won't be touching myself inappropriately while doing so.:rolleyes:

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Well I sorta didn't. Every "click through" I made has not cost me a penny, therefore the DM has not benefited from me on a personally financial basis..I will check my accounts though just in case. :rolleyes:


Of course I didn't need to watch it, like you didn't need to needlessly contribute to the thread. In order to make a reasonable and fair comment, it would be fair to suggest watching as a requirement to come to some personal conclusion or opinion, not attack someone because they linked an item that's in the public domain by weirdly relating it to beheading and ISIS.




Well duh, and yet you've judged those that would watch it as somehow odd simply because you've attempted a grab at the moral high ground by refusing to watch it. The thread isn't about you and your moral compass. The family wanted this public..that's a good enough reason at the least for me to watch it...but be rest assured I won't be touching myself inappropriately while doing so.:rolleyes:


I would hope not. Why did you watch it though, just asking, not having a pop (this time;))


One thing I have found interesting is that on one or two forums I go which mainly have american posters is that there wasn't a thread on this AT ALL. Plenty about Ferguson but nothing on this.

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It certainly doesn't look good, but don't forget the video is not in real time.

It is compressed cctv recording.


I believe that the parents have already requested a version to show the events in real time.


I'm wondering if that's at all possible? Real time and lapsed time can be compressed, yes?..why would they not release real time initially?


Just a thought on whoever reported it in. The kid seemed to be pointing and aiming on a couple of occasions prior to his death..could it not be that whoever it is that reported it actually experienced hearing the BB shot being fired, hence the "It could be a replica/toy". The difference in sound between a BB gun and a fire arm is significantly different.

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