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Nuisance phone calls

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Ring ring "Hello Mr sibon, this is Steve from PPI claims inc"


Me: "**** off" (I was feeling classy, you see:))


Him: "No need to swear at me."


Me: "No need to disturb my tea, now **** off"


Phone down.


Two minutes later.


Ring ring: (Totally different voice) "Hello Mr sibon, this is Steve from PPI claims inc"


Me: "You sound different to the other Steve from PPI claims inc. I just told him to **** off, could you please do the same"


Him: "No need to swear"


Me: "No need to disturb my tea"


Him: "Our records show blah blah blah"


Me: ... well I set the olympic expletive record.


I haven't been troubled by any more Steve's since. Swearing is the way forward.

Thats so nice of you. the guy is on minimum wage. trying to make a living in a crap job. Now he has to put up with clowns like you, he might give job up now and go on dole. No thanks for a bright spark like you!! a simple no thanks and good bye would be enough

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Thats so nice of you. the guy is on minimum wage. trying to make a living in a crap job. Now he has to put up with clowns like you, he might give job up now and go on dole. No thanks for a bright spark like you!! a simple no thanks and good bye would be enough


I've had three calls after 11pm tonight. All from a marketing company.


Why is it acceptable to ring a phone then and disturb people, but knocking on a front door and running away is frowned on?

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a simple no thanks and good bye would be enough


That's the point though. It isn't enough. Nor is a polite request that they remove my details from their data base.


My phone is being used for some very important calls at the moment. I see no reason why these people should have the right to invade my privacy in this way.


Nice new ID by the way.

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I've had three calls after 11pm tonight. All from a marketing company.


Why is it acceptable to ring a phone then and disturb people, but knocking on a front door and running away is frowned on?


if i was the caller and you was rude to me, i will make sure me and all my mates will call you everyday

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I've had three calls after 11pm tonight. All from a marketing company.


Why is it acceptable to ring a phone then and disturb people, but knocking on a front door and running away is frowned on?


Things must have changed...when I used to install dialler systems the rule was that cold/marketing calls weren't permitted after 21:00...

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Thats so nice of you. the guy is on minimum wage. trying to make a living in a crap job. Now he has to put up with clowns like you, he might give job up now and go on dole. No thanks for a bright spark like you!! a simple no thanks and good bye would be enough


I used to work in call centres and SWEARING is the way forward we used to delete them when we got verbal abuse. If you are nice they will keep ringing as that is their job.


Staff at call centre are not innocent. I get calls now and when I answer they put phone down as they weren't expecting me to answer and then the cycle starts again when they ring. they stop ringing when we verbally abuse them.


No thanks and goodbye will get you more calls .


the staff don't care they are there to collect a pay packet half don't do job properly anyway .

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I've had three calls after 11pm tonight. All from a marketing company.


Why is it acceptable to ring a phone then and disturb people, but knocking on a front door and running away is frowned on?


Marketing Companies don't and have never phoned anyone after 11pm, stop telling Porkies just for the sake of it, you wind people on the Phone and Troll on this site, your just Annoying, get a Life. .:loopy::rant:

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