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Nuisance phone calls

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I doubt anything will happen..... unless you record every incoming call as evidence. TPS just does not work...


Tempted. If it stops those hearing-aid vultures and the countless PPI salespeople than it will be worth it (and it is relatively easy to set up as I have the gear for phone-interviews).

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Why don't people just answer them, and then put the telephone on the table, and let the annoying idiots talk to themselves? Its costing them money, and they will go away when they realise they are being ignored. Sometimes we have fun with them, letting them go through all the rubbish they have to say, then telling them we are just the house-sitter. They usually just hang up.

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Why don't people just answer them, and then put the telephone on the table, and let the annoying idiots talk to themselves? Its costing them money, and they will go away when they realise they are being ignored. Sometimes we have fun with them, letting them go through all the rubbish they have to say, then telling them we are just the house-sitter. They usually just hang up.


You're such a party animal.

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Why don't people just answer them, and then put the telephone on the table, and let the annoying idiots talk to themselves? Its costing them money, and they will go away when they realise they are being ignored. Sometimes we have fun with them, letting them go through all the rubbish they have to say, then telling them we are just the house-sitter. They usually just hang up.


Some people, like me, work at home. Each time the phone goes it throws me out of my concentration. Other people have kids that might be sleeping during the day, phone goes, kid awake, bad night ahead.


Not a problem if it is a genuine call from someone you know, but bloody annoying when it happens two to three times a day despite being on the Preference Service register and therefore illegal.

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Some people, like me, work at home. Each time the phone goes it throws me out of my concentration. Other people have kids that might be sleeping during the day, phone goes, kid awake, bad night ahead.


Not a problem if it is a genuine call from someone you know, but bloody annoying when it happens two to three times a day despite being on the Preference Service register and therefore illegal.


You obviously don't have a sense of "fun".

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