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Ever been asked to buy a present that's slightly awkward to buy?

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I was thinking earlier. Yeah it did hurt!


I was once asked by a partner if I could buy some 'oil of olay' as a present for Christmas. Sounded good to me...Something she wants...Not exactly cheap and cheerful (depends on your perspective of course).


Anyway, I get to the shop and find there's 101 (slight exaggeration) varieties of it...Night cream, day cream....But more worryingly..Age defying cream....Anti-wrinkle....Wrinkle reduction....Total effect (what the hell does that mean?).


Anyway....If you buy anti wrinkle it send a message that you're (your partner) old and haggard.....Age defying says you're looking old and need to do something about it.....Etc.


So fellas! If she ask for a present along those lines...Dont' be suckered into it....


Ever been asked for something that's turned out to be far more tricky than you actually realised?

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If she already knew what she wanted, then why didnt you simply go back and aske her which type so you could get the right one? Alternativelt ask the shop assistant for advice and maybe buy a nice guft set, keep the receipt and then you can take it back.


It could also send the message you are young and beautiful, lest try and keep it that way.

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Oil of Ulay not cheap and cheerful! - ya skinflint Pete, it's only about £4 a bottle! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Olay-Beauty-Fluid-Moisturiser-Sensitive/dp/B000T9C4I8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1416863922&sr=8-3&keywords=oil+of+olay+beauty+fluid

Mind you those self service checkouts must be a god send to todays youth. I remember the embarrassment of going into a chemist & buying some condoms & lubricant - very awkward when I was younger!:blush:

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Mind you those self service checkouts must be a god send to todays youth. I remember the embarrassment of going into a chemist & buying some condoms & lubricant - very awkward when I was younger!:blush:


Ha! This was totally me buying tampons when I was a young teen. My mother usually bought them...but if we were all out and she didn't feel like going to the store. :shocked:


I got over it, but oh the embarrassment at the time.


---------- Post added 25-11-2014 at 00:44 ----------


I was once asked by a partner if I could buy some 'oil of olay' as a present for Christmas. Sounded good to me...Something she wants...Not exactly cheap and cheerful (depends on your perspective of course).


Anyway, I get to the shop and find there's 101 (slight exaggeration) varieties of it...Night cream, day cream....But more worryingly..Age defying cream....Anti-wrinkle....Wrinkle reduction....Total effect (what the hell does that mean?).


Anyway....If you buy anti wrinkle it send a message that you're (your partner) old and haggard.....Age defying says you're looking old and need to do something about it.....Etc.


So fellas! If she ask for a present along those lines...Dont' be suckered into it....


Ever been asked for something that's turned out to be far more tricky than you actually realised?


Next time (and there will be a next time ;)) just ask a woman for help.


I've been approached many times for help with clothing sizes, jewelry choices (What!? she told you she likes earrings? So WHY are you looking at necklaces?!!!) perfume or makeup, and in the grocery store.


"Excuse me ma'am, can you tell me what the heck this is?" *points to writing scrawled on a piece of paper*


"If I come home with the wrong thing, my wife/girlfriend will kill me!" :D

Edited by Sierra
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The key to buying skincare products for a woman is to sneak a pen and paper into her bathroom with you and take 5 minutes to write down the names of the products she already uses ;)


I'm not that bad to buy skincare products for, but none of my family or friends dares to try buying me any perfume any more because they've all been past my perfume cupboards and they know that I've already got 300, many of which are now discontinued so are collectors' items.


For face cream, have a squizz at what she already uses, buy some of that and then if you think you're branding her as wrinkly because you're buying wrinkle cream get her something frivolous too and that's your present sorted :)


Loads of surveys have shown that people really appreciate the presents that are what they choose to use themselves, rather than the wacky or unusual things that they are most likely to give to someone else next year.

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The key to buying skincare products for a woman is to sneak a pen and paper into her bathroom with you .


Paper and pen, eh:)


iPhone and camera is the way these days.


Take a photo. Much quicker. You can pretend that you only went in for a wee.

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...Total effect (what the hell does that mean?). ...

It means the ad department were running low on ideas about new ways to name and package their same old boswellox while adding a tenner onto the price.

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It means the ad department were running low on ideas about new ways to name and package their same old boswellox while adding a tenner onto the price.


*Sends back gross of Oil of Olay total effect cream*

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