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UK cancer suvival rates lower than in the 3rd world

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Watched this on the beeb this morning. Lung cancer kills 25% of all cancer sufferers. Pretty shocking figures.


Makes you wonder how much of charitable donations actually go towards research.


It does, I'm always chucking a few quid in John Burkhill’s bucket but I don't believe the health service, in any context, should have to rely largely on charitable donations. The fact that is does is a rather unpleasant thought, especially since most charitable collectors are volunteers and some bosses are milking the system. Underfunded by £2bn and yet tax cuts for the rich, it says it all about the state of UK at present.

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UK cancer survival rates are lower than those in the third world. http://web.orange.co.uk/article/news/uk_cancer_survival_rates_below_third_world


I always suspected the NHS was being deliberately being run down by the tories ahead of privatisation, but things are going too far. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30201023


It is pretty disgusting of you to use this news as an attack on the Tories, even worse to state that it is intentional. There will be people reading this who have lost people to cancer recently, be more considerate in how you behave in public.


I was shocked to learn that less that 10% of people diagnosed with lung cancer survived for more than 5 years. However, considering the average age of diagnosis is 75 which is after the average Malaysian dies anyway, the comparison is somewhat poor.

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It is pretty disgusting of you to use this news as an attack on the Tories, even worse to state that it is intentional. There will be people reading this who have lost people to cancer recently, be more considerate in how you behave in public.

I was shocked to learn that less that 10% of people diagnosed with lung cancer survived for more than 5 years. However, considering the average age of diagnosis is 75 which is after the average Malaysian dies anyway, the comparison is somewhat poor.


Didn't the Tories blame Labour for the deaths at Mid Staffs hospitals?

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UK cancer survival rates are lower than those in the third world. http://web.orange.co.uk/article/news/uk_cancer_survival_rates_below_third_world


I always suspected the NHS was being deliberately being run down by the tories ahead of privatisation, but things are going too far. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30201023



The information for the study comes the years between 1995—2009, I think Labour governed the country for most of that time.

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Whats the detection rate across the population tho, I bet that'd say something.


It may be the only people who can afford medical care in the third world will have access to private clinics, and receive regular check-ups - and so catch the disease faster and at an earlier and more treatable stage.


Some other forms of cancer are more prevalent over here, due to our lifestyle.

Bowel, rectal and similar stuff are more common in the western world due to our diet, and common over-indulgence.

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