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Homophobic crime on the rise

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Hate crimes against disabled are on the increase as well.

It is interesting how although legislation progressing towards LGBT equality has been introduced over the last 15 years, the reality somehow hasn't caught up. I understand that homophobic bullying is also still a real problem in schools as well.

While teacher's say they feel confident in challenging other forms of abuse for example based on religion, they seem to have difficulty with challenging homophobic abuse. :confused:

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Hate crimes against disabled are on the increase as well.

It is interesting how although legislation progressing towards LGBT equality has been introduced over the last 15 years, the reality somehow hasn't caught up. I understand that homophobic bullying is also still a real problem in schools as well.

While teacher's say they feel confident in challenging other forms of abuse for example based on religion, they seem to have difficulty with challenging homophobic abuse. :confused:


Also interesting is the rise and popularity of the right. Coincidence?

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Also interesting is the rise and popularity of the right. Coincidence?


This happened in the 1930s Germany where the hard right were in the ascendency, and all sorts of groups were being attacked - disabled, gays, jews etc.

We know the propensity of knuckledraggers to scapegoat the most vulnerable for society's problems; and charities representing the disabled fear that the anti scrounger rhetoric is fuelling the huge rise in attacks against the disabled.



What is interesting is research from the Glasgow Media Trust found:


"the public believed between 50 and 70 per cent of those on disability benefits were fraudulent. The actual number is likely to be between 1 and 2 per cent. The same report found that there has been a tripling in the use of words such as "scrounger", "cheat" and "skiver" in tabloid stories on disability in the past five years".

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Is it that the amount of attacks themselves are on the increase or that they are being reported more?

EDIT: ie, people feeling brave enough to come forward about it


It could be, it's also possible that a large influx of people coming to live in the UK are homophobic , there simply isn't enough information to make a judgment on the reason for this apparent increase.




The recent spike in gay hate crimes across London is very worrying. Homophobic attacks in London and surrounding areas have increased by 7%. These figures are very concerning.


One would assume living in a cosmopolitan city such as London with an influx of people from all over the globe that people would be more tolerant of one another. This appears for some people not to be the case.


As many incidents go unreported, the true figure is likely to be a lot higher.


In the 12 months up to May 2014 a total of 1,185 homophobic attacks were reported to the Metropolitan Police. This represents an increase of 7.1% on last year’s figures.

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It could be, it's also possible that a large influx of people coming to live in the UK are homophobic , there simply isn't enough information to make a judgment on the reason for this apparent increase.




The recent spike in gay hate crimes across London is very worrying. Homophobic attacks in London and surrounding areas have increased by 7%. These figures are very concerning.


One would assume living in a cosmopolitan city such as London with an influx of people from all over the globe that people would be more tolerant of one another. This appears for some people not to be the case.


As many incidents go unreported, the true figure is likely to be a lot higher.


In the 12 months up to May 2014 a total of 1,185 homophobic attacks were reported to the Metropolitan Police. This represents an increase of 7.1% on last year’s figures.


There was one particularly nasty homohobic attack which led to a man's death in Trafalgar Sq. a few years ago. The perpetrator was a public school girl, and was said to be "'not the type of girl' to have done it". Well she was, she did it in front of tourists, and was caught on CCTV, and she was convicted.



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There was one particularly nasty homohobic attack which led to a man's death in Trafalgar Sq. a few years ago. The perpetrator was a public school girl, and was said to be "'not the type of girl' to have done it". Well she was, she did it in front of tourists, and was caught on CCTV, and she was convicted.




Looks like Germany have a similar problem.


Migration to Germany from countries including Turkey and Russia, where homosexuality is taboo, has led to a rise in crime against gays.



Muslim patrol' gang: police arrest three more after homophobic video


Edited by martok
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Hate crimes against disabled are on the increase as well.

It is interesting how although legislation progressing towards LGBT equality has been introduced over the last 15 years, the reality somehow hasn't caught up. I understand that homophobic bullying is also still a real problem in schools as well.

While teacher's say they feel confident in challenging other forms of abuse for example based on religion, they seem to have difficulty with challenging homophobic abuse. :confused:


It's because the rightwing is in ascendancy

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This happened in the 1930s Germany where the hard right were in the ascendency, and all sorts of groups were being attacked - disabled, gays, jews etc.

We know the propensity of knuckledraggers to scapegoat the most vulnerable for society's problems; and charities representing the disabled fear that the anti scrounger rhetoric is fuelling the huge rise in attacks against the disabled.



What is interesting is research from the Glasgow Media Trust found:


"the public believed between 50 and 70 per cent of those on disability benefits were fraudulent. The actual number is likely to be between 1 and 2 per cent. The same report found that there has been a tripling in the use of words such as "scrounger", "cheat" and "skiver" in tabloid stories on disability in the past five years".

At that time in Germany the working class people where being ignored by the mainstream party,s just as is happening in our Country today.

Hitler saw his chance and formed the Nationalist party while at the same time directing hate and false accusations at minorities .

The same is happening now in England with the upsurge in popularity of UKIP along with some even more right wing Neanderthals .

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