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UK born Muslim brothers jailed for training as terrorists

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Typo mate . I meant if they weren't born in this country, then they can **** off and go back to where they came from.


They were.


---------- Post added 26-11-2014 at 19:41 ----------


Its too complicated, you would need to read the Quran and compare what you read to the conquests and wars fought by Mohammad, only then could you understand why jihadists fighting for ISIS claim to be following the commands of Allah and Muhammad.


C'mon lines, it's not as though Alice is a numbskull..ok she maybe a "woman", and some may find that a hindrance, but at least give her the benefit of your wisdom rather than condescension.

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Muslims follow the teachings and examples set by Mohammad, what have these Muslims done that Mohammad didn't do?




Mass murder, ethnic cleansing, sectarianism, intolerance, killing journalists, kidnapping and other evils committed by Isis is what happened under a true Islamic caliphate did it?


Bring your evidence..and while you're looking for that, here is part of the Medina treaty set by Muhammad :


It is incumbent on all the Muslims to help and extend sympathetic treatment to the Jews who have entered into an agreement with us. Neither an oppression of any type should be perpetrated on them nor their enemy be helped against them.


The historian Karen Armstrong says in her work, A History of Jerusalem- One City Three Faiths.


“The Muslims had established a system that enabled Jews, Christians, and Muslims to live in Jerusalem together for the first time.”


Let's look at the Treaty of Umar Ibn Khattab - 2nd caliph of Islam, made to the Palestinian Christians:


“This is the protection which the servant of God, Amir al-Mumineen (Leader of the faithful), grants to the people of Palestine. Thus, protection is for their lives, property, church, cross, for the healthy and sick and for all their co-religionists. In this way that their churches shall not be turned into dwelling houses, nor will they be pulled down, nor any injury will be done to them or to their enclosures, nor to their cross, and nor will anything be deducted from their wealth. No restrictions shall be made regarding their religious ceremonies.”
(taken from the work of Tabari).


Do Isis or any other extremist group have these foundations incoporated in their so called 'Islamic State'...didn't think so.



Oh yeah, one more thing..a leopard never changes its spots does it Fireman Bob:rolleyes:

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Mass murder, ethnic cleansing, sectarianism, intolerance, killing journalists, kidnapping and other evils committed by Isis is what happened under a true Islamic caliphate did it?



Bring your evidence..and while you're looking for that, here is part of the Medina treaty set by Muhammad :



The historian Karen Armstrong says in her work, A History of Jerusalem- One City Three Faiths.



Let's look at the Treaty of Umar Ibn Khattab - 2nd caliph of Islam, made to the Palestinian Christians:


(taken from the work of Tabari).


Do Isis or any other extremist group have these foundations incoporated in their so called 'Islamic State'...didn't think so.



Oh yeah, one more thing..a leopard never changes its spots does it Fireman Bob:rolleyes:


Just one of the many examples set by Mohammad.


The Banu Qurayza were a Jewish tribe which lived in northern Arabia, at the oasis of Yathrib (presently known as Medina), until the 7th century. Sometime after the Battle of the Trench in April or later in 627 AD their conflict with Muhammad led to a 25-day siege of Banu Qurayza ending in the tribe's surrender. There is much debate about the number executed with some estimating that between 400-900 males were beheaded, while the Sunni hadith simply state that all male members were killed, without specifying a figure, and one woman.


Its easy to understand why some Muslims are chopping the heads off their enemies, if it was good enough for Mohammad then its surely good enough for them.

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Muhammad: The Warrior Prophet


The idea of Muhammad as a military man will be new to many. Yet he was a truly great general. In the space of a single decade he fought eight major battles, led eighteen raids, and planned another thirty-eight military operations where others were in command but operating under his orders and strategic direction. Wounded twice, he also twice experienced having his positions overrun by superior forces before he managed to turn the tables on his enemies and rally his men to victory. More than a great field general and tactician, he was also a military theorist, organizational reformer, strategic thinker, operational-level combat commander, political-military leader, heroic soldier, and revolutionary. The inventor of insurgency warfare and history's first successful practitioner, Muhammad had no military training before he commanded an army in the field. - See more at: http://www.historynet.com/muhammad-the-warrior-prophet.htm#sthash.qLMSAxbx.dpuf

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Quote by aliceBB: Real Muslims in this country and abroad must be sick to the back teeth of being lumped together with murderous maniacs and their religion represented as the faith of a mediaeval rabble.

Some Muslims may be 'sick to the back teeth' and some may be just keeping a low profile because they want to continue to enjoy the fruits of living in a civilized country.


Have you heard of the concept of 'Ummah'? If not, check it out here. It is quite possible that for many, their first loyalty is to their religion and community, not to this country.


The UK is on high terrorist threat level and it is not a case of 'if' something happens but 'when'. I have just been reading this which is an account of the end for Iraqi Christians - soon there will be no Christians or Jews left in Iraq. It makes sickening reading. Apparently the Pew Research Centre finds that Christianity to be the world’s most oppressed religious group. Many of us would like to have your confidence aliceBB but in truth, there are an awful lot of us who feel threatened.

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By 'these Muslims', I'm assuming you mean ISIS adherents. Mass murder? Summary executions? Genocide?


Christ's teaching was also non-violent, but Hitler's Gestapo described themselves as Christians.Just because someone says they are X, Y or Z, does not mean that they are.


Unstable and extremist religious types typically sieze upon fragments of religious texts out of context, develop and preach a distorted interpretation of the whole text.


You didn't answer the question did you. You set up a straw man to deflect a sensible question.

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It's unhelpful to identify these individuals as 'Muslim' when the ideology to which they suscribe is not Muslim/Islam at all, but 'genocidal extremist Islamic terrorism'.


Real Muslims in this country and abroad must be sick to the back teeth of being lumped together with murderous maniacs and their religion represented as the faith of a mediaeval rabble.


It is rather like calling the IRA or the UDF ' or the Spanish Inquisition, Christian organisations'. Clearly they were not and are not now, whatever they says about themselves. Like ISIS, an ideologically warped band of brutal killers.


If these ISIS returnees must be identified by their religion, at least can we make it clear that it is an extremist form of Islam to which they adhere and not the Islam of most Muslims in the world?


A large percentage of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan support the death penalty for leaving Islam.



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Quite so. I suspect Martok is one of those who want to slander all Muslims on account of a few.


I think there is a lot more than a few Muslims who are extremists in this country.


I will never forget how they all demonstrated in London a few years ago about the Muslim Cartoonist. I think there were thousand of them in London demonstrating. faces hidden with scarfs, women wearing there veils and flags being burnt.


The more moderate ones should do the same and march in London against Isis. Deep down I think the extremist in this country out number the moderate ones or if not it is on the boarder line.

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