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Youths outside The Rude Shipyard on Abbeydale Road, anyone had trouble

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Borstals were abolished by Thatcher in her first term. If they had worked there wouldn't have been much youth crime in the decades up till then. Or maybe you think there wasn't. Then again you think that Thatcher abolished them for human rights reasons.


They were, nominally, abolished in 1982; but their replacement "youth custody centres" used the policy of the "short, sharp shock" to cure society's ills. That kind of thing was a particular favourite of the then Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, whom you might have heard of lately: e.g. the picture at the bottom here http://bit.do/5qUp


The 80s and 90s weren't a haven of peace and tranquility as a consequence. Such treatment made sure that young offenders' own views of themselves as criminals were reinforced.

Edited by c00kie
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  • 3 months later...

Just on way to Tesco on my motorbike and pulled up at the Junction at Wolseley Road and Abbeydale Road.


6 Asian lads about 16-18 years old walked in front of my bike and 1 shouted "Dont ride your bike down here anymore or we're gonna f*c* you up"


So i turned left onto Abbeydale Road and they continued to shout abuse with their hand in their pockets like they had a knife or whatever and then chased after me down Abbeydale.


I've heard stories of things happening down there but havent thought anything of it.


Just stupid little kids but be aware.........i reported it to 101

Edited by AmourDesign
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Im not telling anyone to do anything as you do what you think is right but i guarentee if it was a stone hitting my car i would not call the police and it would be delt with there and then. Thats me but it would be sorted end of !

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Im not telling anyone to do anything as you do what you think is right but i guarentee if it was a stone hitting my car i would not call the police and it would be delt with there and then. Thats me but it would be sorted end of !


I doubt that very much. I also doubt that you could spell vigilante.

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Mate id eat em for breakfast


You may do that with drunken revellers but 6 youths with maybe 3 of them packing a blade is a different matter if they have the bottle and come at you with intent to hurt you.

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You may do that with drunken revellers but 6 youths with maybe 3 of them packing a blade is a different matter if they have the bottle and come at you with intent to hurt you.


I understand where you are coming from but all i was saying is that i personally would not stand for it win or lose i love it. As for drunken revellers try 15 rugby lads v 5 doorman that was a fun night !

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I understand where you are coming from but all i was saying is that i personally would not stand for it win or lose i love it. As for drunken revellers try 15 rugby lads v 5 doorman that was a fun night !


I really hope you aren't employed as a doorman. You scare me.

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Mate im as nice as they come believe me but i will not put up with people taking the p. The police need to sort it before someone gets hurt if they ate packing knives. I appologise for getting et up but it gets to me that people get away with bullying normal people in gangs but nobody will do anything about it so whats the point in even talking about it ?

Edited by Starlc
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