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Are we addicted to the time?

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Just looking round my home, I pretty much have a clock in most rooms. The TV tells the time, so does my computer, it's on my mobile phone, the oven, microwave - on the landline telephone.... and on it goes! It's also displayed in my car in 2 different places!

In my office, I can see the time on 5 different devices whilst sat at my desk - and I don't wear a watch - hardly a suprise!! :hihi:


Are we just completed addicted, ruled and driven by a set of digits and dependent on where 2 hands are pointing? Has it gone too far in this day and age that we have so little time to fit so much in that we have to count the seconds?


Sometimes I think I'd love to be shipwrecked on a desert island with no concept of time, and only able to rely on the sun. (A desert island with a water supply and available food source of course! :hihi:)


You could end up using a sundial at the desert island I suppose.

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Monday to Friday I am constantly watching the time. What time to get up, what time to walk the dog, how long have I got to get showered, how long until I get to work, check the clock on way to work, check the clock as I walk through the door, what time is lunch/how long, how long until home time, what time are my soaps on etc.


Saturday and Sunday I have no concept of time and I like it that way.. Unless I'm going out for a boogie with the girls!

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I'm not addicted to time, no.


When it gets light outside I wake up. I get up and go and decorate people's houses (by invitation, you understand). When I'm hungry I stop and eat my lunch. I come home when it's dark and enjoy my evening. When I'm tired I go to bed.


I only look at the time if I have arranged to meet someone at a certain hour, otherwise I just get on with things.

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When I worked it was necessary to pay regular attention to the time.


Now that I'm retired not so much.


I read somewhere that years ago there could be an hour - or even more - variance between different parts of the country.


Even adjoining villages could differ as to what they thought the time was.


All of that was altered by the introduction of trains. It then became important to synchronize times throughout the country in order to avoid chaos.


Obviously, anyone who uses the railway on a regular basis will probably hold the opinion that it hasn't worked. :)

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The only real time there is, is now.


When the past happened, it was now. When the future comes, it will be now.


Not sure if that has any relevance whatsoever, but there you go.

:) :)


Actually, there's no such thing as now. The instant that you think 'it's now' it no longer is.


And I'm absolutely certain that that has no relevance whatsoever. :)

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...so basically theres no past, present or future...it's all an illusion!


So why worry about it?



You have discovered the secret of existence, it is indeed all an illusion.


There is no need to worry about it because what will be will be, Che sera sera http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCoQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DazxoVRTwlNg&ei=bqx3VKCUH5DmaPjegXA&usg=AFQjCNG5wHWX-T2wJuKKFpadqL1I4yJGVg&bvm=bv.80642063,d.d2s&cad=rja

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Just looking round my home, I pretty much have a clock in most rooms. The TV tells the time, so does my computer, it's on my mobile phone, the oven, microwave - on the landline telephone.... and on it goes! It's also displayed in my car in 2 different places!

In my office, I can see the time on 5 different devices whilst sat at my desk - and I don't wear a watch - hardly a suprise!! :hihi:


Are we just completed addicted, ruled and driven by a set of digits and dependent on where 2 hands are pointing? Has it gone too far in this day and age that we have so little time to fit so much in that we have to count the seconds?


Sometimes I think I'd love to be shipwrecked on a desert island with no concept of time, and only able to rely on the sun. (A desert island with a water supply and available food source of course! :hihi:)


We are dependant on time but not addicted to it.

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