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Latest grooming gang convicted in Bristol

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Paedophiles come in all religions and colours (excuse the unintended joke).


Current news is these "grooming gangs". Prior to that it was celebrities.


Let's not forget though the catholic priests, and how widespread that was. Non muslim white guys.


It's a problem regardless of colour, race or religion. Whoever is doing it should be removed from the gene pool no matter which god they choose.


But this is a culture thing. Some cultures don't respect women. It seems like a group that make up around 5% of the population is responsible for rather more than 5% of the grooming. Indeed it is now emerging that many asian girls were groomed too. It went unreported because in their culture a raped girl is to blame for being raped not the rapist.

Edited by roosterboost
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Ok i thought they were paedos if fiddling with under sixteens


If you use this definition, a person who is sexually attracted to children.


Then it would be sexually attracted to someone under 18 in the UK, could be up to 21 in other countries and prepubescent in other countries so could be 8 if the child started puberty early.


If you use the correct definition then the children will have to be prepubescent.

Edited by martok
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Just heard while driving home on the radio the latest grooming gang - this time 13 somalis - have been convicted for underage shennanigans, when did the word 'grooming' replace the word 'paedophilia?


Sentencing is today. Ive just been watching the news and some apologist somali women said 'Tomorrow it will be some other community' like that makes it ok. Stupid STUPID women!!

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Sentencing is today. Ive just been watching the news and some apologist somali women said 'Tomorrow it will be some other community' like that makes it ok. Stupid STUPID women!!


Yes we hear it over and over again - sigh,, what i can say safely is that if someone/anyone touched my daughter i would become a murderer, i shake everytime i hear something like this and we need to start stamping down hard on these toe rags

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But this is a culture thing. Some cultures don't respect women. It seems like a group that make up around 5% of the population is responsible for rather more than 5% of the grooming. Indeed it is now emerging that many asian girls were groomed too. It went unreported because in their culture a raped girl is to blame for being raped not the rapist.


In the cities and towns where this type of grooming has taken place it's not 5% it's much greater. In the night time industries it's majority Asian males.

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It seems that when the perpetrators are of Muslim background the first thing to be highlighted by the media is their ancestral nationality.


You don't often here the media referring to white British perpetraitors as English men or even British Afro Carribean perpetraitors as Jamaicans.


If these perpetraitors were of a different nationality it would be understandable to describe them as such. The fact is that the vast majority of them are British men.


Id be more inclined to agree with your description of them as "British" if they regarded themselves as such.

I think thats part of the problem,they dont!


As for the age vs definition of paedophilia arguement i think alot of people are ignorant to why you rarely hear of any perpetrators admitting to abusing girls under the age of 13. Take a look at the law and youll see why.

13 is the magic number for them to avoid more stringent sentancing.

When you know that youll start noticing it in the reported cases.

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In the cities and towns where this type of grooming has taken place it's not 5% it's much greater. In the night time industries it's majority Asian males.


I think you will find that Rotherham has a Pakistani population of around 3% or 1.5% Pakistani males. If you go out on the town in Rotherham at night the vast majority of the folks in the pubs, clubs, restaurants and other night time haunts are white or black non Asian.

But that didn't stop that 1.5% of the population grooming and raping 1400 underaged girls.





You will find Rotherham at 97. Note not all Asians are Pakistani.

Edited by roosterboost
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4% of the population are involved in 90% of grooming gangs. There's something wrong there.


Where did you get those statistics from?


---------- Post added 30-11-2014 at 23:33 ----------


But this is a culture thing. Some cultures don't respect women. It seems like a group that make up around 5% of the population is responsible for rather more than 5% of the grooming. Indeed it is now emerging that many asian girls were groomed too. It went unreported because in their culture a raped girl is to blame for being raped not the rapist.


Absolute nonsense about Pakistani culture not respecting women. You've never lived in Pakistan so how would you know? Secondly in Islam the rape victim is not blamed for being raped and neither is this the case in Pakistani culture or law. There is definitely a stigma attached to rape in all Muslim societies which will prevent victims from coming forward. Of course this is not exclusive to Muslim society even in western society many victims don't come forward for years or don't come forward at all. Many recent cases of sexual abuse highlighted in the media date back decades and most of them involved white males. The reason why it took so long for these cases to come to light is because victims did not come forward until many years after the abuse.

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Id be more inclined to agree with your description of them as "British" if they regarded themselves as such.

I think thats part of the problem,they dont!


As for the age vs definition of paedophilia arguement i think alot of people are ignorant to why you rarely hear of any perpetrators admitting to abusing girls under the age of 13. Take a look at the law and youll see why.

13 is the magic number for them to avoid more stringent sentancing.

When you know that youll start noticing it in the reported cases.


How do you know they don't regard themselves as British?


Let's take Rotherham as an example. The men involved were all from Rotherham, grew up there and spoke with local accents. They were not Pakistani nationals coming over to the UK and forming grooming gangs. This is not like the Albanian or Romanian trafficking gangs. These were local men from the Rotherham area and therefore their ancestral nationality being constantly highlighted is racist.

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