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Latest grooming gang convicted in Bristol

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---------- Post added 02-12-2014 at 13:30 ----------


Wow, so forum users will be suspended for making sweeping generalisations now - can't wait - they'll be half a dozen members left by the end of the week. :hihi::hihi: Check out the 'scroungers' and 'fatties' threads for some great ones.



with respect its hard to know what's classed as a sweeping statement on SF /:suspect:


Somali rape gangs. Pakistani grooming gangs. Libyan military trainees arrested for sex crimes, and others expelled. What do these groups have in common I wonder? Diversity and "enrichment ?

but Certain ethnic minority groups are succeeding Chinese , Vietnamese,Indians while certain sections of certain others are not. .


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But this is a culture thing. Some cultures don't respect women. It seems like a group that make up around 5% of the population is responsible for rather more than 5% of the grooming. Indeed it is now emerging that many asian girls were groomed too. It went unreported because in their culture a raped girl is to blame for being raped not the rapist.


If you use that logic then the western culture plays a huge part in how women are peceived.


Just look at your tabloid papers, sporting events like boxing (see the fights on the weekend- why do women still need to be walking around in between rounds in skimpy clothes to show the next upcoming round:|) and some other major games where you have parade of women down to their hot pants cheering etc.


Women are used and exploited in the UK and sad thing is, some of you call it 'freedom'..yeah right.:hihi:


So by advertising women as being sexual objects you create the image for these gangs to feed on. They lose respect- and you can only blame the culture here for that.

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A perfect example of fact ignoring and manipulation of stastistics to suit ones own ends, great work.


Which fact is being ignored? Which statistics are being manipulated? Do elaborate?


---------- Post added 02-12-2014 at 19:46 ----------




---------- Post added 02-12-2014 at 13:30 ----------




with respect its hard to know what's classed as a sweeping statement on SF /:suspect:


Somali rape gangs. Pakistani grooming gangs. Libyan military trainees arrested for sex crimes, and others expelled. What do these groups have in common I wonder? Diversity and "enrichment ?

but Certain ethnic minority groups are succeeding Chinese , Vietnamese,Indians while certain sections of certain others are not. .



What you have written is a sweeping statement.


Refer to my article above to see why you are wrong about grooming gangs being exclusively Pakistani or Somali. Grooming gangs consist of Asians Whites and Blacks who are mainly but not exclusively of British nationality.


I'm not sure about Somalis but Pakistanis are a very successful immigrant community. In Canada, Scotland, London and even some cities in the north of England such as Manchester.


In all armies around the world you will find soldiers who have been arrested for sex crimes including the American and British armies.


---------- Post added 02-12-2014 at 19:47 ----------


Deportation for all not born here. No if's no buts even if they have families, and no appeals


The Asians involved in grooming were mostly born and raised in England.


---------- Post added 02-12-2014 at 19:53 ----------


If you use that logic then the western culture plays a huge part in how women are peceived.


Just look at your tabloid papers, sporting events like boxing (see the fights on the weekend- why do women still need to be walking around in between rounds in skimpy clothes to show the next upcoming round:|) and some other major games where you have parade of women down to their hot pants cheering etc.


Women are used and exploited in the UK and sad thing is, some of you call it 'freedom'..yeah right.:hihi:


So by advertising women as being sexual objects you create the image for these gangs to feed on. They lose respect- and you can only blame the culture here for that.


Some argue that the British Asians involved in grooming were following western culture rather than the culture of their parents or grandparents.


Most of these men were involved in drinking alcohol, taking drugs and having sex outside of marriage. All things which are forbidden in Islam. This is something most people don't take into account when they want to blame it on Islam or Pakistani culture.

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If you use that logic then the western culture plays a huge part in how women are peceived.


Just look at your tabloid papers, sporting events like boxing (see the fights on the weekend- why do women still need to be walking around in between rounds in skimpy clothes to show the next upcoming round:|) and some other major games where you have parade of women down to their hot pants cheering etc.


Women are used and exploited in the UK and sad thing is, some of you call it 'freedom'..yeah right.:hihi:


So by advertising women as being sexual objects you create the image for these gangs to feed on. They lose respect- and you can only blame the culture here for that.



That's rather the attitude of the Pakistani community. They and you seem to have missed a rather important point. No means no. That's how women are able to go to the swimming pool and pop on a cozzie without being raped in any civilized society.


In any uncivilized society they will blame the victims.


Women in this country should be able to dress as they please without being sexually attacked. Unfortunately we seem to have imported elements who think women need to wear a bag over their heads to keep them safe from the predators.

Edited by roosterboost
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That's rather the attitude of the Pakistani community. They and you seem to have missed a rather important point. No means no. That's how women are able to go to the swimming pool and pop on a cozzie without being raped in any civilized society.


In any uncivilized society they will blame the victims.


Women in this country should be able to dress as they please without being sexually attacked. Unfortunately we seem to have imported elements who think women need to wear a bag over their heads to keep them safe from the predators.


Which Pakistani community? You seem to know a lot about the so called 'Pakistani community'. Where in Pakistan do you live? Only a tiny proportion of the total number of groomers have been identified as Pakistani. You are talking about British Asians mainly of Azad Kashmiri heritage so why do you keep bringing Pakistan into this? I'm not aware of any cases of grooming taking place at the swimming pool? Yes no does mean no which is the point that all rapists miss and the majority of rapists in the UK are white males.


I don't know of any immigrant community in the UK where the majority of women wear a bag over their head to keep themselves safe.

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That's rather the attitude of the Pakistani community. They and you seem to have missed a rather important point. No means no. That's how women are able to go to the swimming pool and pop on a cozzie without being raped in any civilized society.


In any uncivilized society they will blame the victims.


Women in this country should be able to dress as they please without being sexually attacked. Unfortunately we seem to have imported elements who think women need to wear a bag over their heads to keep them safe from the predators.


As people have said before - there should be a 'like' button :thumbsup:

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While some on here are too busy concentrating on the muslim sex offenders we are missing out on other paedophiles in the news, this doctor got 22yrs for abusing his cancer patients= http://www.channel4.com/news/myles-bradbury-paedophile-children-doctor-jailed-abuse

This news story was worthy of its own thread on SF but none of our vocal peadophile haters on here mentioned it and this doctor was sentenceed a couple of days ago.

I waited to see if any mention was made of this nonce doctor on SF but not a peep anywhere. :suspect:

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